Tomasz Tajmajer
Tomasz Tajmajer
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
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Cited by
Improving hearthstone ai by combining mcts and supervised learning algorithms
M Świechowski, T Tajmajer, A Janusz
2018 IEEE conference on computational intelligence and games (CIG), 1-8, 2018
Modular Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning with Decision Values
T Tajmajer
2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2018
Helping ai to play hearthstone: Aaia'17 data mining challenge
A Janusz, T Tajmajer, M Świechowski
2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2017
Soft actuation: Smart home and office with human-in-the-loop
J Domaszewicz, S Lalis, A Pruszkowski, M Koutsoubelias, T Tajmajer, ...
IEEE Pervasive computing 15 (1), 48-56, 2016
Toward an intelligent HS deck advisor: Lessons learned from aaia’18 data mining competition
A Janusz, T Tajmajer, M Świechowski, Ł Grad, J Puczniewski, D Ślęzak
2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2018
Toward machine learning on granulated data–a case of compact autoencoder-based representations of satellite images
M Przyborowski, T Tajmajer, Ł Grad, A Janusz, P Biczyk, D Ślęzak
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2657-2662, 2018
Multi-objective deep q-learning with subsumption architecture
T Tajmajer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.06676, 2017
ProxyMotes: Linux-based TinyOS platform for non-TinyOS sensors and actuators
T Paczesny, T Tajmajer, J Domaszewicz, A Pruszkowski
2012 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2012
Predicting annual average daily highway traffic from large data and very few measurements
T Tajmajer, M Spławińska, P Wasilewski, S Matwin
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1493-1501, 2016
Node/Proxy portability: Designing for the two lives of your next WSAN middleware
T Tajmajer, S Lalis, M Koutsoubelias, A Pruszkowski, J Domaszewicz, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 117, 366-383, 2016
A Practical Solution to Handling Randomness and Imperfect Information in Monte Carlo Tree Search
M Świechowski, T Tajmajer
2021 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS …, 2021
Integrated human tracking based on video and smartphone signal processing within the Arahub system
J Ludziejewski, Ł Grad, Ł Przebinda, T Tajmajer
2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS …, 2020
CoAP and database integration for sleeping and non-routable nodes
T Tajmajer, T Sadkowski, W Winiecki
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2015
Evaluation of an embedded computer vision system for outdoor media audience analysis
B Cyganek, P Janyst, M Knapik, L Przebinda, M Ptaszkiewicz, T Tajmajer
Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 33-36, 2022
Toward Machine Learning on Granulated Data–a Case of Compact Autoencoder-based Representations of Satellite Images
Ł Grad, D Ślęzak, M Przyborowski, A Janusz, T Tajmajer, P Biczyk
Optical transmission testing based on asynchronous sampling techniques: images analysis containing chromatic dispersion using convolutional neural network
T Mrozek, K Perlicki, T Tajmajer, P Wasilewski
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2017
Projekt SACCOM: walidacja „miękkiego sterowania” w środowisku biurowym
J Domaszewicz, S Lalis, M Koutsoubelias, T Tajmajer, A Pruszkowski, ...
Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny-Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne 86 (8-9/2013), 2013
Projekt SACCOM: od wielowęzłowej do scentralizowanej warstwy pośredniej dla sieci SAN
J Domaszewicz, T Tajmajer, A Pruszkowski
Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny-Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne 85 (8-9/2012), 2012
Cooperating Home Objects as Opportunistic Computing Platform for Assisted Living
J Domaszewicz, T Paczesny, A Pruszkowski, T Tajmajer, S Lalis
Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny-Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne 84 (8-9/2011), 2011
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Articles 1–19