Shih-Chun Lin
Cited by
Cited by
5G roadmap: 10 key enabling technologies
IF Akyildiz, S Nie, SC Lin, M Chandrasekaran
Computer Networks 106, 17-48, 2016
SoftAir: A software defined networking architecture for 5G wireless systems
IF Akyildiz, P Wang, SC Lin
Computer Networks 85, 1-18, 2015
QoS-aware Adaptive Routing in Multi-layer Hierarchical Software Defined Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
SC Lin, IF Akyildiz, P Wang, M Luo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 2016
A Framework for QoS-aware Traffic Classification Using Semi-supervised Machine Learning in SDNs
P Wang, SC Lin, M Luo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 2016
Wireless software-defined networks (W-SDNs) and network function virtualization (NFV) for 5G cellular systems: An overview and qualitative evaluation
IF Akyildiz, SC Lin, P Wang
Computer Networks 93, 66-79, 2015
SoftWater: Software-defined networking for next-generation underwater communication systems
IF Akyildiz, P Wang, SC Lin
Ad Hoc Networks 46, 1-11, 2016
Wireless networked multirobot systems in smart factories
KC Chen, SC Lin, JH Hsiao, CH Liu, AF Molisch, GP Fettweis
Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (4), 468-494, 2020
Distributed cross-layer protocol design for magnetic induction communication in wireless underground sensor networks
SC Lin, IF Akyildiz, P Wang, Z Sun
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (7), 4006-4019, 2015
Spectrum aware opportunistic routing in cognitive radio networks
SC Lin, KC Chen
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-6, 2010
Control traffic balancing in software defined networks
SC Lin, P Wang, M Luo
Computer Networks 106, 260-271, 2016
Magnetic induction-based localization in randomly deployed wireless underground sensor networks
SC Lin, AA Alshehri, P Wang, IF Akyildiz
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (5), 1454-1465, 2017
Improving spectrum efficiency via in-network computations in cognitive radio sensor networks
SC Lin, KC Chen
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 13 (3), 1222-1234, 2014
Spectrum-map-empowered opportunistic routing for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
SC Lin, KC Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (6), 2848-2861, 2014
Software-defined architecture for QoS-aware IoT deployments in 5G systems
L Tello-Oquendo, SC Lin, IF Akyildiz, V Pla
Ad Hoc Networks 93, 101911, 2019
Automatic modulation classification under non-Gaussian noise: A deep residual learning approach
J Ma, SC Lin, H Gao, T Qiu
ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2019
Towards optimal network planning for software-defined networks
SC Lin, P Wang, IF Akyildiz, M Luo
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (12), 2953-2967, 2018
Statistical QoS Control of Network Coded Multi-Path Routing in Large Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Networks
SC Lin, KC Chen
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016
QoS-aware virtualization-enabled routing in software-defined networks
AX Porxas, SC Lin, M Luo
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5771-5776, 2015
Dynamic base station formation for solving NLOS problem in 5G millimeter-wave communication
SC Lin, IF Akyildiz
IEEE INFOCOM 2017-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-9, 2017
Jointly optimized QoS-aware virtualization and routing in software defined networks
SC Lin, P Wang, M Luo
Computer Networks 96, 69-78, 2016
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Articles 1–20