Maarten van Someren
Maarten van Someren
Informatica Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam
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The think aloud method: a practical approach to modelling cognitive
M Van Someren, YF Barnard, J Sandberg
London: AcademicPress 11 (6), 1994
The think aloud method
A practical guide to modeling cognitive processes, 1984
Using content-based filtering for recommendation
R Van Meteren, M Van Someren
Proceedings of the machine learning in the new information age: MLnet …, 2000
The effects of transparency on trust in and acceptance of a content-based art recommender
H Cramer, V Evers, S Ramlal, M Van Someren, L Rutledge, N Stash, ...
User Modeling and User-adapted interaction 18, 455-496, 2008
Semi-supervised self-training for decision tree classifiers
J Tanha, M Van Someren, H Afsarmanesh
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 8, 355-370, 2017
Learning with Multiple Representations. Advances in Learning and Instruction Series.
MW Van Someren, P Reimann, H Boshuizen, T de Jong
Elsevier Science, Inc., PO Box 945, Madison Square Station, New York, NY …, 1998
Acquiring knowledge in science and mathematics: The use of multiple representations in technology based learning environments
T De Jong, S Ainsworth, M Dobson, A van der Hulst, J Levonen, ...
Learning with multiple representations, 9-40, 1998
Machine learning for vessel trajectories using compression, alignments and domain knowledge
GKD De Vries, M Van Someren
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (18), 13426-13439, 2012
A bias-variance analysis of a real world learning problem: The CoIL challenge 2000
P Van Der Putten, M Van Someren
Machine learning 57, 177-195, 2004
CoIL challenge 2000: The insurance company case
P Van Der Putten, M van Someren
Technical Report 2000–09, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science …, 2000
Process models of decision making
JM Harte, MRM Westenberg, M van Someren
Acta Psychologica 87 (2-3), 95-120, 1994
Inverse reinforcement learning from failure
K Shiarlis, J Messias, S Whiteson
International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2016
A roadmap for web mining: From web to semantic web
B Berendt, A Hotho, D Mladenic, M Van Someren, M Spiliopoulou, ...
Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web: First European Web Mining Forum, EWMF …, 2004
Gamygdala: An emotion engine for games
A Popescu, J Broekens, M Van Someren
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 5 (1), 32-44, 2013
Modeling developmental transitions on the balance scale task
H Van Rijn, M Van Someren, H Van der Maas
Cognitive Science 27 (2), 227-257, 2003
Improving communication in crisis management by evaluating the relevance of messages
N Netten, M van Someren
Journal of contingencies and crisis management 19 (2), 75-85, 2011
Combining ship trajectories and semantics with the simple event model (sem)
WR van Hage, V Malaisé, G de Vries, G Schreiber, M van Someren
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Events in Multimedia, 73-80, 2009
The think aloud method
MW van Someren, YF Barnard, JAC Sandberg
A Practical Guide to Modeling Cognitive Processes, 1994, 2004
Short-term anomaly detection in gas consumption through ARIMA and Artificial Neural Network forecast
M De Nadai, M Van Someren
2015 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring …, 2015
A practical guide to modelling cognitive processes
MW Van Someren, YF Barnard, JAC Sandberg
London: Academic Press, 1994
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Articles 1–20