Antoine Gloria
Antoine Gloria
Sorbonne Université (LJLL) & Université Libre de Bruxelles
Zweryfikowany adres z ljll.math.upmc.fr - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
An optimal variance estimate in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations
A Gloria, F Otto
The annals of probability 39 (3), 779-856, 2011
Quantification of ergodicity in stochastic homogenization: optimal bounds via spectral gap on Glauber dynamics
A Gloria, S Neukamm, F Otto
Inventiones mathematicae 199 (2), 455-515, 2015
An optimal error estimate in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations
A Gloria, F Otto
The annals of applied probability 22 (1), 1-28, 2012
A regularity theory for random elliptic operators
A Gloria, S Neukamm, F Otto
Milan Journal of Mathematics 88 (1), 99-170, 2020
Quantitative results on the corrector equation in stochastic homogenization
A Gloria, F Otto
Journal of the European mathematical society 19 (11), 3489-3548, 2017
An optimal quantitative two-scale expansion in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations
A Gloria, S Neukamm, F Otto
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 48 (2), 325-346, 2014
The structure of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization
M Duerinckx, A Gloria, F Otto
Communications in Mathematical Physics 377 (1), 259-306, 2020
Reduction of the resonance error—Part 1: Approximation of homogenized coefficients
A Gloria
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 21 (08), 1601-1630, 2011
The corrector in stochastic homogenization: optimal rates, stochastic integrability, and fluctuations
A Gloria, F Otto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.08290, 2015
Integral representation results for energies defined on stochastic lattices and application to nonlinear elasticity
R Alicandro, M Cicalese, A Gloria
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 200 (3), 881-943, 2011
An analytical framework for the numerical homogenization of monotone elliptic operators and quasiconvex energies
A Gloria
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 5 (3), 996-1043, 2006
Quantitative estimates in stochastic homogenization for correlated coefficient fields
A Gloria, S Neukamm, F Otto
Analysis & PDE 14 (8), 2497-2537, 2021
Stochastic homogenization of nonconvex unbounded integral functionals with convex growth
M Duerinckx, A Gloria
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 221 (3), 1511-1584, 2016
Multiscale functional inequalities in probability: Constructive approach
M Duerinckx, A Gloria
Annales Henri Lebesgue 3, 825-872, 2020
Random walk in random environment, corrector equation and homogenized coefficients: from theory to numerics, back and forth
AC Egloffe, A Gloria, JC Mourrat, TN Nguyen
IMA journal of numerical analysis 35 (2), 499-545, 2015
Long-time homogenization and asymptotic ballistic transport of classical waves
A Benoit, A Gloria
Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure 1 (52), 703-759, 2019
Reduction in the resonance error in numerical homogenization II: correctors and extrapolation
A Gloria, Z Habibi
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 16 (1), 217-296, 2016
Numerical approximation of effective coefficients in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations
A Gloria
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46 (1), 1-38, 2012
Quantitative estimates on the periodic approximation of the corrector in stochastic homogenization
A Gloria, F Otto
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 48, 80-97, 2015
Corrector equations in fluid mechanics: Effective viscosity of colloidal suspensions
M Duerinckx, A Gloria
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 239 (2), 1025-1060, 2021
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