Laura Häkkilä
Laura Häkkilä
PhD scholar (social work), University of Eastern Finland
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Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Family support services buffer the effect of child welfare notifications on child removals
T Toikko, P Seppälä, L Häkkilä, J Hietamäki
Child & Family Social Work 28 (2), 372-382, 2023
Kuntatason analyysi lastensuojelun avohuollon yhteydestä lastensuojeluilmoitusten ja sijoitusten väliseen suhteeseen
T Toikko, P Seppälä, SL Kraav, L Häkkilä
Does the immigration issue divide the left’s attitudes towards social welfare? A study on public support of social benefits and services in the Nordic countries
L Häkkilä, T Toikko
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 41 (13/14), 51-66, 2021
Macro-level predictors of child removals: Do social welfare benefits and services reduce demand for children’s out of home placements?
T Toikko, A Gawel, J Hietamäki, L Häkkilä, P Seppälä, N Zhu
Children and Youth Services Review 160, 107554, 2024
The threshold of child protection notifications is higher in municipalities with a high level of risk factors–Is this evidence of the inverse intervention law?
P Seppälä, N Zhu, J Hietamäki, L Häkkilä, A Gawel, T Toikko
Child Abuse & Neglect 155, 106963, 2024
Family support services reduce the demand for emergency child removals at the community level
J Hietamäki, P Seppälä, L Häkkilä, T Toikko
European Journal of Social Work 26 (6), 1137-1151, 2023
The Quality of Child Protection Buffers the Need for Emergency Child Removals—An Analysis of the Finnish Child Protection System
J Hietamäki, P Seppälä, L Häkkilä, T Toikko
Journal of Social Service Research 49 (5), 582-594, 2023
Financial support for households and the demand for child protection services–a municipality-level analysis of income support for single-parent households and reimbursements …
L Häkkilä, P Seppälä, J Hietamäki, T Toikko
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 42 (13/14), 50-65, 2022
Does the Immigration Issue Divide German Attitudes toward Social Welfare?
L Häkkilä, M Pfeifer, T Toikko
German Politics and Society 41 (3), 72-98, 2023
Onko hyvinvointivaltiolla tulevaisuutta? Suomalaisten mielipiteet universaalista hyvinvointivaltiosta julkisen vastuun näkökulmasta vuonna 2016
L Häkkilä
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2019
The Threshold of Child Welfare Notifications is Higher in Deprived Municipalities than in Affluent Municipalities–is this Evidence of the Inverse Intervention Law?
P Seppälä, N Zhu, L Häkkilä, J Hietamäki, A Gawel, T Toikko
Available at SSRN 4807987, 0
Sosiaalityö ja moninaisuus
E Heino, H Kara, J Simola
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