Sylvain Guérin
Sylvain Guérin
IMT Atlantique
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Routing in telecommunications networks with ant-like agents
E Bonabeau, F Henaux, S Guérin, D Snyers, P Kuntz, G Theraulaz
Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications: Second International …, 1998
Adaptive agent-driven routing and load balancing in communication networks
M Heusse, D Snyers, S Guerin, P Kuntz
Advances in complex systems 1 (02n03), 237-254, 1998
Complex three-dimensional architectures grown by simple agents: an exploration with a genetic algorithm
E Bonabeau, S Guérin, D Snyers, P Kuntz, G Theraulaz, F Cogne
BioSystems 56, 13-32, 2000
Addressing modularity for heterogeneous multi-model systems using model federation
FR Golra, A Beugnard, F Dagnat, S Guerin, C Guychard
Companion Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity …, 2016
Conceptual interoperability through models federation
C Guychard, S Guerin, A Koudri, A Beugnard, F Dagnat
Semantic Information Federation Community Workshop 23, 2013
Using free modeling as an agile method for developing domain specific modeling languages
FR Golra, A Beugnard, F Dagnat, S Guerin, C Guychard
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven …, 2016
Bridging the gap between informal requirements and formal specifications using model federation
FR Golra, F Dagnat, J Souquières, I Sayar, S Guerin
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 16th International Conference, SEFM …, 2018
Continuous requirements engineering using model federation
FR Golra, A Beugnard, F Dagnat, S Guerin, C Guychard
2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 347-352, 2016
Compiler and System Techniques for soc Distributed Reconfigurable Accelerators
J Cambonie, S Guérin, R Keryell, L Lagadec, B Pottier, O Sentieys, ...
International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems, 293-302, 2004
Multi-Level Modeling with Openflexo/FML: a contribution to the multi-level process challenge
S Guérin, J Champeau, JC Bach, A Beugnard, F Dagnat, S Martínez
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) 17, 9: 1-21, 2022
Contract-based design patterns: a design by contract approach to specify security patterns
C Silva, S Guérin, R Mazo, J Champeau
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability …, 2020
A domain-specific modeling framework for attack surface modeling
TN Sun, B Drouot, FR Golra, J Champeau, S Guerin, L Le Roux, R Mazo, ...
ICISSP 2020: 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security …, 2020
Security Analysis: From model to system analysis
D Bastien, V Monthe, S Guérin, J Champeau
CRiSiS 2022: International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and …, 2022
PAMELA: an annotation-based Java Modeling Framework
S Guérin, G Polet, C Silva, J Champeau, JC Bach, S Martínez, F Dagnat, ...
Science of Computer Programming 210, 102668, 2021
De la nécessité de fédérer des modèles dans une chaîne d’outils
A Koudri, C Guychard, S Guerin, A Beugnard, J Champeau, F Dagnat
Génie logiciel 105, 18-23, 2013
Routing in Telecommunications Networks with
E Bonabeau, F Henaux, S Guerin, D Snyers, P Kuntz, G Theraulaz
Smart” Ant-like Agents”, Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent …, 1998
Optimization Multi-Agents en Environment Dynamique: Application au Routage Dans les Réseaux de Telecommunications, DEA, Univ
S Guérin
Rennes I, Ecole Nat. Supér. Télécommun. Bretagne,, Bretagne, France, 1997
Modeling Ant Foraging Strategies by Computer Simulation
S Guérin, D Snyers, V Fourcassier, G Théraulaz
Ants, Brussels, Belgium, 98, 1998
Des situations de modélisation pour évaluer les outils de modélisation.
A Beugnard, F Dagnat, S Guérin, C Guychard
INFORSID, 181-197, 2014
A flexible and robust framework for the secure systems engineering of space missions
T Leclerc, S Paul, J Roberts, F Dagnat, F Ledoux, JC Bach, M Wallum, ...
17th International Conference on Space Operations 2023, 2023
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Articles 1–20