Eduardo Aoun Tannuri
Eduardo Aoun Tannuri
Full Professor, Mechatronics Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo
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Cited by
Dynamic positioning systems: An experimental analysis of sliding mode control
EA Tannuri, AC Agostinho, HM Morishita, L Moratelli Jr
Control engineering practice 18 (10), 1121-1132, 2010
Estimating directional wave spectrum based on stationary ship motion measurements
EA Tannuri, JV Sparano, AN Simos, JJ Da Cruz
Applied Ocean Research 25 (5), 243-261, 2003
Experimental and numerical evaluation of a typical dynamic positioning system
EA Tannuri, HM Morishita
Applied Ocean Research 28 (2), 133-146, 2006
Modeling, control and experimental validation of a novel actuator based on shape memory alloys
R Romano, EA Tannuri
Mechatronics 19 (7), 1169-1177, 2009
Dynamic positioning of a turret moored FPSO using sliding mode control
EA Tannuri, DC Donha, CP Pesce
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2001
Estimating wave spectra from the motions of moored vessels: Experimental validation
AN Simos, EA Tannuri, JV Sparano, VLF Matos
Applied ocean research 32 (2), 191-208, 2010
A quasi-explicit hydrodynamic model for the dynamic analysis of a moored FPSO under current action
AN Simos, EA Tannuri, CP Pesce, JAP Aranha
Journal of Ship Research 45 (04), 289-301, 2001
Analytical and closed form solutions for deep water riser-like eigenvalue problem
CP Pesce, ALC Fujarra, AN Simos, EA Tannuri
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-99-154, 1999
The Lagrange equations for systems with mass varying explicitly with position: some applications to offshore engineering
CP Pesce, EA Tannuri, L Casetta
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 28 …, 2006
Using neural network approaches to detect mooring line failure
AM Saad, F Schopp, RA Barreira, IHF Santos, EA Tannuri, ES Gomi, ...
Ieee Access 9, 27678-27695, 2021
Thrust allocation algorithm with efficiency function dependent on the azimuth angle of the actuators
F Arditti, FL Souza, TC Martins, EA Tannuri
Ocean Engineering 105, 206-216, 2015
A control and automation system for wave basins
PC De Mello, ML Carneiro, EA Tannuri, F Kassab Jr, RP Marques, ...
Mechatronics 23 (1), 94-107, 2013
Modular mathematical model for a low-speed maneuvering simulator
EA Tannuri, F Rateiro, CH Fucatu, MD Ferreira, IQ Masetti, K Nishimoto
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45387 …, 2014
A sliding mode torque and position controller for an antagonistic SMA actuator
A Ianagui, EA Tannuri
Mechatronics 30, 126-139, 2015
Sliding mode control applied to offshore dynamic positioning systems
AC Agostinho, L Moratelli Jr, EA Tannuri, HM Morishita
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (18), 237-242, 2009
Offloading operation with a DP shuttle tanker: comparison between full scale measurenments and numerical simulation results
EA Tannuri, AC Saad, HM Morishita
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (18), 249-254, 2009
Directional wave spectrum estimation based on a vessel 1st order motions: field results
AN Simos, JV Sparano, EA Tannuri, VLF Matos
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-07-196, 2007
Robust thrust allocation algorithm considering hydrodynamic interactions and actuator physical limitations
F Arditti, H Cozijn, E Van Daalen, EA Tannuri
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 24, 1057-1070, 2019
Higher order sliding mode control applied to dynamic positioning systems
EA Tannuri, AC Agostinho
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (20), 132-137, 2010
Desenvolvimento de metodologia de projeto de sistema de posicionamento dinâmico aplicado a operações em alto-mar.
EA Tannuri
Universidade de São Paulo, 2002
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Articles 1–20