Signaling in equity crowdfunding GKC Ahlers, D Cumming, C Günther, D Schweizer Entrepreneurship theory and practice 39 (4), 955-980, 2015 | 2753 | 2015 |
PTE& GKC Ahlers, D Cumming, C Günther, D Schweizer | 2753* | 2015 |
Signaling in equity crowdfunding G Ahlers, DJ Cumming, C Günther, D Schweizer Available at SSRN 2362340, 2013 | 2753 | 2013 |
Economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurship and small businesses M Belitski, C Guenther, AS Kritikos, R Thurik Small Business Economics 58 (2), 593-609, 2022 | 643 | 2022 |
Women can’t jump?—An experiment on competitive attitudes and stereotype threat C Günther, NA Ekinci, C Schwieren, M Strobel Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 75 (3), 395-401, 2010 | 284 | 2010 |
Is the crowd sensitive to distance?—How investment decisions differ by investor type C Guenther, S Johan, D Schweizer Small Business Economics 50 (2), 289-305, 2018 | 246 | 2018 |
Family firm values explaining family firm heterogeneity SB Rau, V Schneider-Siebke, C Günther Family Business Review 32 (2), 195-215, 2019 | 155 | 2019 |
Emerging versus advanced country MNEs investing in Europe: A typology of subsidiary global–local connections E Giuliani, S Gorgoni, C Günther, R Rabellotti International Business Review 23 (4), 680-691, 2014 | 123 | 2014 |
The impact of family ownership on innovation: evidence from the German machine tool industry C Decker, C Günther Small Business Economics 48 (1), 199-212, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
Making a Contribution to Entrepreneurship Research by Studying Crowd-Funded Entrepreneurial Opportunities JM Pollack, M Maula, TH Allison, M Renko, CC Günther Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 1042258719888640, 2019 | 82 | 2019 |
Processes of firm growth and diversification: theory and evidence A Coad, C Guenther Small Business Economics 43 (4), 857-871, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
Diversification patterns and survival as firms mature A Coad, C Guenther Small Business Economics 41 (3), 633-649, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
No place like home? Relocation, capabilities, and firm survival in the German machine tool industry after World War II G Buenstorf, C Guenther Industrial and Corporate Change 20 (1), 1-28, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
Early employment expansion and long-run survival GJ Pernille, C Guenther Journal of Business Venturing 34 (1), 80-102, 2019 | 56* | 2019 |
Early employment expansion and long-run survival: Examining employee turnover as a context factor P Gjerløv-Juel, C Guenther Journal of Business Venturing 34 (1), 80-102, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Overconfidence and entrepreneurship: A meta-analysis of different types of overconfidence in the entrepreneurial process PS Kraft, C Günther, NH Kammerlander, J Lampe Journal of Business Venturing 37 (4), 106207, 2022 | 51 | 2022 |
From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: The importance of context DB Audretsch, M Belitski, R Caiazza, C Günther, M Menter Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 121356, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
For whom are family-owned firms good employers? An exploratory study of the turnover intentions of blue-and white-collar workers in family-owned and non-family-owned firms N Gottschalck, C Guenther, F Kellermanns Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
It's all about Timing: Age–Dependent Consequences of Founder Exits and New Member Additions C Guenther, S Oertel, P Walgenbach Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40 (4), 843-865, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
From Russia with love: the impact of relocated firms on incumbent survival O Falck, C Guenther, S Heblich, WR Kerr Journal of Economic Geography 13 (3), 419-449, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |