Dr. Shreya Pare
Dr. Shreya Pare
Centre for Artificial Intelligence, University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)
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Cited by
Image segmentation using multilevel thresholding: a research review
S Pare, A Kumar, GK Singh, V Bajaj
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical …, 2020
A multilevel color image segmentation technique based on cuckoo search algorithm and energy curve
S Pare, A Kumar, V Bajaj, GK Singh
Applied soft computing 47, 76-102, 2016
An efficient method for multilevel color image thresholding using cuckoo search algorithm based on minimum cross entropy
S Pare, A Kumar, V Bajaj, GK Singh
Applied Soft Computing 61, 570-592, 2017
An optimal color image multilevel thresholding technique using grey-level co-occurrence matrix
S Pare, AK Bhandari, A Kumar, GK Singh
Expert Systems with Applications 87, 335-362, 2017
A new technique for multilevel color image thresholding based on modified fuzzy entropy and Lévy flight firefly algorithm
S Pare, AK Bhandari, A Kumar, GK Singh
Computers & Electrical Engineering 70, 476-495, 2018
Routing and scheduling optimization for UAV assisted delivery system: A hybrid approach
M Sajid, H Mittal, S Pare, M Prasad
Applied Soft Computing 126, 109225, 2022
Satellite image segmentation based on different objective functions using genetic algorithm: a comparative study
S Pare, AK Bhandari, A Kumar, GK Singh, S Khare
2015 IEEE international conference on digital signal processing (DSP), 730-734, 2015
A context sensitive multilevel thresholding using swarm based algorithms
S Pare, A Kumar, V Bajaj, GK Singh
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 6 (6), 1471-1486, 2019
Backtracking search algorithm for color image multilevel thresholding
S Pare, AK Bhandari, A Kumar, V Bajaj
Signal, Image and Video Processing 12, 385-392, 2018
Rényi’s entropy and Bat algorithm based color image multilevel thresholding
S Pare, AK Bhandari, A Kumar, GK Singh
Machine intelligence and signal analysis, 71-84, 2019
An early flame detection system based on image block threshold selection using knowledge of local and global feature analysis
TW Hsu, S Pare, MS Meena, DK Jain, DL Li, A Saxena, M Prasad, CT Lin
Sustainability 12 (21), 8899, 2020
A comparison of some nature-inspired optimization metaheuristics applied in biomedical image registration
SI Bejinariu, H Costin
Methods of Information in Medicine 57 (05/06), 280-286, 2018
An intelligent automatic human detection and tracking system based on weighted resampling particle filtering
LC Chang, S Pare, MS Meena, D Jain, DL Li, A Saxena, M Prasad, CT Lin
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 4 (4), 27, 2020
Remote sensing imagery segmentation: A hybrid approach
S Pare, H Mittal, M Sajid, JC Bansal, A Saxena, T Jan, W Pedrycz, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (22), 4604, 2021
Color multilevel thresholding using gray-level co-occurrence matrix and differential evolution algorithm
S Pare, A Kumar, GK Singh
2017 international conference on communication and signal processing (ICCSP …, 2017
Adaptive decision support system for On-Line multi-class learning and object detection
GJ Hong, DL Li, S Pare, A Saxena, M Prasad, CT Lin
Applied Sciences 11 (23), 11268, 2021
A Two-Phase Approach for Semi-Supervised Feature Selection
A Saxena, S Pare, MS Meena, D Gupta, A Gupta, I Razzak, CT Lin, ...
Algorithms 13 (9), 215, 2020
A Robust Illumination and Intensity invariant Face Recognition System
MS Meena, S Pare, P Singh, A Rana, M Prasad
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2022
Optimal Multilevel thresholding of Color Images using Backtracking Search Algorithm
S Pare
21st IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP-2016 …, 2016
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Articles 1–19