Functional central limit theorem for heavy tailed stationary infinitely divisible processes generated by conservative flows T Owada, G Samorodnitsky
46 2015 Limit theorems for point processes under geometric constraints (and topological crackle) T Owada, RJ Adler
37 2017 Maxima of long memory stationary symmetric -stable processes, and self-similar processes with stationary max-increments T Owada, G Samorodnitsky
29 2015 Limit theorems for process-level Betti numbers for sparse and critical regimes T Owada, AM Thomas
Advances in Applied Probability 52 (1), 1-31, 2020
26 * 2020 Limit theorems for Betti numbers of extreme sample clouds with application to persistence barcodes T Owada
24 * 2018 Functional limit theorems for the Euler characteristic process in the critical regime AM Thomas, T Owada
Advances in Applied Probability 53 (1), 57-80, 2021
22 2021 Functional central limit theorem for a class of negatively dependent heavy-tailed stationary infinitely divisible processes generated by conservative flows P Jung, T Owada, G Samorodnitsky
19 2017 Tail measures of stochastic processes or random fields with regularly varying tails G Samorodnitsky, T Owada
preprint, 2012
16 2012 Convergence of persistence diagram in the sparse regime T Owada
The Annals of Applied Probability 32 (6), 4706-4736, 2022
14 2022 A functional non-central limit theorem for multiple-stable processes with long-range dependence S Bai, T Owada, Y Wang
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130 (9), 5768-5801, 2020
13 2020 Convergence of persistence diagrams for topological crackle T Owada, O Bobrowski
13 2020 Functional central limit theorem for subgraph counting processes T Owada
13 2017 Large deviation principle for geometric and topological functionals and associated point processes C Hirsch, T Owada
The Annals of Applied Probability 33 (5), 4008-4043, 2023
11 2023 Limit theorems for topological invariants of the dynamic multi-parameter simplicial complex T Owada, G Samorodnitsky, G Thoppe
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 138, 56-95, 2021
11 2021 Limit theory for the sample autocovariance for heavy-tailed stationary infinitely divisible processes generated by conservative flows T Owada
Journal of Theoretical Probability 29 (1), 63-95, 2016
10 2016 Topological crackle of heavy-tailed moving average processes T Owada
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (12), 4965-4997, 2019
9 2019 Functional strong laws of large numbers for Euler characteristic processes of extreme sample clouds AM Thomas, T Owada
Extremes 24 (4), 699-724, 2021
8 2021 Large deviations for subcomplex counts and Betti numbers in multiparameter simplicial complexes G Samorodnitsky, T Owada
Random Structures & Algorithms 63 (2), 533-556, 2023
6 2023 Large deviations for the volume of -nearest neighbor balls C Hirsch, T Kang, T Owada
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.12423, 2022
6 2022 Sub-tree counts on hyperbolic random geometric graphs T Owada, D Yogeshwaran
Advances in Applied Probability 54 (4), 1032-1069, 2022
5 2022