Andrew Canning
Andrew Canning
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Davis
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PyCDT: A Python toolkit for modeling point defects in semiconductors and insulators
D Broberg, B Medasani, NER Zimmermann, G Yu, A Canning, ...
Computer Physics Communications 226, 165-179, 2018
Parallel empirical pseudopotential electronic structure calculations for million atom systems
A Canning, LW Wang, A Williamson, A Zunger
Journal of Computational Physics 160 (1), 29-41, 2000
First-principles study of luminescence in Ce-doped inorganic scintillators
A Canning, A Chaudhry, R Boutchko, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (12), 125115, 2011
A microscopic model for surface-induced diamond-to-graphite transitions
A De Vita, G Galli, A Canning, R Car
Nature 379 (6565), 523-526, 1996
Eu2+-doped Ba2CsI5, a new high-performance scintillator
ED Bourret-Courchesne, G Bizarri, R Borade, Z Yan, SM Hanrahan, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Extended Si| P [311| P] defects
J Kim, JW Wilkins, FS Khan, A Canning
Physical Review B 55 (24), 16186, 1997
Scientific computations on modern parallel vector systems
L Oliker, A Canning, J Carter, J Shalf, S Ethier
SC'04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 10-10, 2004
Vacancy formation energies in metals: A comparison of MetaGGA with LDA and GGA exchange–correlation functionals
B Medasani, M Haranczyk, A Canning, M Asta
Computational Materials Science 101, 96-107, 2015
First-principles study of luminescence in Eu-doped inorganic scintillators
A Chaudhry, R Boutchko, S Chourou, G Zhang, N Grønbech-Jensen, ...
Physical Review B 89 (15), 155105, 2014
Partially connected models of neural networks
A Canning, E Gardner
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 21 (15), 3275, 1988
Structure and Energy of the Partial Dislocation in Diamond: A Combined Ab Initio and Elasticity Theory Analysis
X Blase, K Lin, A Canning, SG Louie, DC Chrzan
Physical Review Letters 84 (25), 5780, 2000
Predicting defect behavior in B2 intermetallics by merging ab initio modeling and machine learning
B Medasani, A Gamst, H Ding, W Chen, KA Persson, M Asta, A Canning, ...
npj Computational Materials 2 (1), 1, 2016
Towards a constrained local moment model for first principles spin dynamics
GM Stocks, B Ujfalussy, X Wang, DMC Nicholson, WA Shelton, Y Wang, ...
Philosophical Magazine B 78 (5-6), 665-673, 1998
Design and implementation of a facility for discovering new scintillator materials
SE Derenzo, MS Boswell, E Bourret-Courchesne, R Boutchko, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55 (3), 1458-1463, 2008
Thomas-Fermi charge mixing for obtaining self-consistency in density functional calculations
D Raczkowski, A Canning, LW Wang
Physical Review B 64 (12), 121101, 2001
Thick-restart Lanczos method for electronic structure calculations
K Wu, A Canning, HD Simon, LW Wang
Journal of Computational Physics 154 (1), 156-173, 1999
Leading computational methods on scalar and vector HEC platforms
L Oliker, J Carter, M Wehner, A Canning, S Ethier, A Mirin, D Parks, ...
SC'05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 62-62, 2005
Scientific application performance on candidate petascale platforms
L Oliker, A Canning, J Carter, C Iancu, M Lijewski, S Kamil, J Shalf, ...
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-12, 2007
Evaluation of cache-based superscalar and cacheless vector architectures for scientific computations
L Oliker, A Canning, J Carter, J Shalf, D Skinner, S Ethier, R Biswas, ...
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 38, 2003
Carbon superatom thin films
A Canning, G Galli, J Kim
Physical review letters 78 (23), 4442, 1997
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Articles 1–20