Adam Dziubiński
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Cited by
Interference between helicopter and its surroundings, experimental and numerical analysis
T Łusiak, A Dziubiński, K Szumański
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk 13 …, 2009
Separation safety analysis using CFD simulation and remeshing
A Olejnik, A Dziubiński, Ł Kiszkowiak
Aerospace Science and Technology 106, 106190, 2020
Simplified thermo-fluid model of an engine cowling in a small airplane
P Łapka, M Seredyński, P Furmański, A Dziubiński, J Banaszek
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal 86 …, 2014
Low-Cost Satellite Launch System—Aerodynamic Feasibility Study
A Olejnik, Ł Kiszkowiak, P Zalewski, A Dziubiński
Aerospace 9 (6), 284, 2022
Vortex ring state simulation using actuator disc
A Dziubinski, W Stalewski
Proc. 21st Eur. Conf. Mod. Sim., ECMS, 2007
CFD analysis of rotor wake influence on rooftop helipad operations safety
A Dziubiński
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, 7-22, 2016
CFD analysis of agricultural aircraft aerodynamic characteristics
A Dziubiński, P Jaśkowski, T Seredyn
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, 312-337, 2016
Przykłady zastosowania pakietu FLUENT™ w analizach bezpieczeństwa lotu śmigłowców
A Dziubiński, W Stalewski, J Żółtak
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, 146-157, 2008
Performance comparison of the optimized inverted joined wing airplane concept and classical configuration airplanes
A Sieradzki, A Dziubiński, C Galiński
Archive of mechanical engineering 63 (3), 2016
Predicted flight characteristics of the inverted joined wing scaled demonstrator
M Lis, A Dziubiński, C Galiński, G Krysztofiak, P Ruchała, K Surmacz
Proceedings of the 29th Congress of International Council of the …, 2014
The use of reverse engineering and computational fluid dynamics methods in preliminary design of low cost satellite launch system
A Olejnik, P Zalewski, A Dziubiński, Ł Kiszkowiak
Proceedings of 32nd Congress-of the International Council of the …, 2021
Aerodynamic modeling process using reverse engineering and computational fluid dynamics
A Olejnik, L Kiszkowiak, A Dziubiński
16th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction …, 2018
CFD simulation of engine nacelle cooling on pusher configuration aircraft
A Olejnik, A Dziubiński, Ł Kiszkowiak
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 93 (9), 1421-1429, 2021
Progress in inverted joined wing scaled demonstrator programme
C Galinski, J Hajduk, A Dziubinski, A Sieradzki, M Lis, G Krysztofiak
5th CEAS Air&Space Conference “Challenges in European Aerospace”, Delft, 07-11, 2015
CFD analysis of external armour influence on a helicopter aerodynamic characteristics
A Dziubiński, K Grzegorczyk, J Żółtak
Prace instytutu lotnictwa, 20-27, 2011
CFD analysis of wind direction influence on rooftop helipad operation safety
A Dziubiński
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, 23-35, 2016
Wind tunnel tests of the inverted joined wing and a comparison with CFD results
C Galinski, G Krysztofiak, M Miller, P Ruchala, M Kalski, M Lis, ...
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 90 (4), 586-601, 2018
Analiza aerodynamiczna samolotu odrzutowego pod kątem wykorzystania do wynoszenia mini-i mikrosatelitów, Nasze Stulecie
A Olejnik, L Kiszkowiak, A Dziubiński, P Zalewski, B Machowski, ...
Nauka dla Obronności, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, Poznań, 2018
Study of the influence of helicopters' external components on the aerodynamic characteristics
A Dziubiński, K Grzegorczyk
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, 11-19, 2011
Modelowanie numeryczne oraz badania eksperymentalne szczególnych przypadków zjawiska interferencji aerodynamicznej śmigłowca
T Łusiak, A Dziubiński, A Szumański
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, 176-188, 2008
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Articles 1–20