Inguna Skadiņa
Inguna Skadiņa
Tilde; Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia
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Term extraction, tagging, and mapping tools for under-resourced languages
M Pinnis, N Ljube¹iæ, D ªtefãnescu, I Skadiņa, M Tadiæ, T Gornostay
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering …, 2012
The European language technology landscape in 2020: Language-centric and human-centric AI for cross-cultural communication in multilingual Europe
G Rehm, K Marheinecke, S Hegele, S Piperidis, K Bontcheva, J Hajiè, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.13833, 2020
Collecting and using comparable corpora for statistical machine translation
I Skadiņa, A Aker, N Mastropavlos, F Su, D Tufis, M Verlic, A Vasiļjevs, ...
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on language resources and …, 2012
Translation Quality and Productivity: A Study on Rich Morphology Languages
MNMT Lucia Specia, Kim Harris, Frédéric Blain, Aljoscha Burchardt, Viviven ...
MT Summit XVI, 55-71, 2017
Analysis and evaluation of comparable corpora for under-resourced areas of machine translation
I Skadiņa, A Vasiļjevs, R Skadiņ¹, R Gaizauskas, D Tufiº, T Gornostay
The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora, 17, 2012
Resource and service centres as the backbone for a sustainable service infrastructure
P Wittenburg, N Bel, L Borin, G Budin, N Calzolari, E Hajicova, ...
Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation [LREC …, 2010
Evaluation of SMT in localization to under-resourced inflected language
R Skadiņ¹, M Puriņ¹, I Skadiņa, A Vasiļjevs
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference of the European Association for …, 2011
Collection of comparable corpora for under-resourced languages
I Skadiņa, A Aker, V Giouli, D Tufis, R Gaizauskas, M Mieriņa, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Baltic HLT 2010, 161-168, 2010
The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level.
Language Resources and Evaluation 50 (2), 351–374, 2016
The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level
G Rehm, H Uszkoreit, S Ananiadou, N Bel, A Bielevièienė, L Borin, ...
Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), 2014
Accurat toolkit for multi-level alignment and information extraction from comparable corpora
M Pinnis, R Ion, D Stefanescu, F Su, I Skadiņa, A Vasiļjevs, B Babych
Proceedings of the ACL 2012 System Demonstrations, 91-96, 2012
The Latvian language in the digital age
I Skadiņa, A Veisbergs, A Vasiļjevs, T Gornostaja, I Kei¹a, A Rudzīte
White Paper Series, 2012
Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into highly Inflected Languages.
D Deksne, R Skadins, I Skadina
LREC, 2008
Error-Annotated Corpus of Latvian
D Deksne, I Skadiņa
Human Language Technologies–The Baltic Perspective-Proceedings of the Sixth …, 2014
Latvian national corpora collection–korpuss. lv
B Saulīte, R Darģis, N Gruzitis, I Auziņa, K Levāne-Petrova, L Pretkalniņa, ...
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
NMT or SMT: case study of a narrow-domain English-Latvian post-editing project
I Skadiņa, M Pinnis
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2017
Application of virtual agents for delivery of information services
A Vasiljevs, I Skadina, D Deksne, M Kalis, I Vira
New Challenges of Economic and Business Development, 667-678, 2017
Large Language Models for Latvian Named Entity Recognition.
R Vīksna, I Skadiņa
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 328, 62-69, 2020
Application of Machine Translation in Localization into low-resourced languages
R Skadiņ¹, M Pinnis, A Vasiļjevs, I Skadiņa, T Hudík
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2014
English/Russian-Latvian Machine Translation System
R Skadiņ¹, I Skadiņa, D Deksne, T Gornostay
Proceeding of the Third Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies, 2007
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Articles 1–20