Bart³omiej ¦wi±tek
Bart³omiej ¦wi±tek
Nieznane powi±zanie
Zweryfikowany adres z student.urk.edu.pl
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Cytowane przez
Fine root biomass and the associated C and nutrient pool under the alder (Alnus spp.) plantings on reclaimed technosols
B ¦wi±tek, B Wo¶, M Chodak, SK Maiti, A Józefowska, M Pietrzykowski
Geoderma 337, 1021-1027, 2019
Soil factors determining the fine-root biomass in soil regeneration after a post-fire and soil reconstruction in reclaimed post-mining sites under different tree species
B ¦wi±tek, M Pietrzykowski
Catena 204, 105449, 2021
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu) in Fine Roots Under Three Species of Alders (Alnus spp.) Plantation at Different Soil Substrates Addition on the …
B ¦wi±tek, B Wo¶, P Gruba, M Pietrzykowski
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230, 1-10, 2019
Impact of leaf litter and fine roots in the Pool of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulated in soil in various scenarios of regeneration and reconstruction of Forest ecosystems
B ¦wi±tek, M Pietrzykowski
Forests 13 (8), 1207, 2022
Changes in the Concentrations of Trace Elements and Supply of Nutrients to Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) Needles as a Bioindicator of Industrial Pressure over the …
A ¦wiercz, B ¦wi±tek, M Pietrzykowski
Forests 13 (5), 718, 2022
Adaptation of Betula pendula Roth., Pinus sylvestris L., and Larix decidua Mill. to environmental stress caused by tailings waste highly contaminated by trace …
B ¦wi±tek, W Kraj, M Pietrzykowski
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196 (1), 52, 2024
Survival and nutrient supply of seedlings of different tree species at the early stages of afforestation of a hard coal mine dump
M Pietrzykowski, B ¦wi±tek, M Paj±k, S Ma³ek, P Tylek
Ecological Engineering 167, 106270, 2021
Estimation of fine root biomass of alders growing on technosols using two different methods
B ¦wi±tek, M Chodak, M Pietrzykowski
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50 (4), 474-481, 2019
Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and Dominant Mosses (Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt.) as Bioindicators of the …
A Warczyk, P Gruba, A Józefowska, T Wanic, A Warczyk, B ¦wi±tek, ...
Atmosphere 15 (8), 971, 2024
Which Soil Properties Determine Tree Nutrient Supply in Extreme Technosol Conditions?
B ¦wi±tek, M Pietrzykowski, K Sroka, K Otremba, M Chodak
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 23 (4), 5324-5332, 2023
Forest and climate change–a global view and local cases
M Pietrzykowski, B Wo¶, J Likus-Cie¶lik, B ¦wi±tek, M Paj±k
The Role of Agriculture in Climate Change Mitigation, 29-39, 2020
The effect of forest disturbances and regeneration scenario on soil organic carbon pools and fluxes: a review
M Pietrzykowski, B ¦wi±tek, B Wo¶, A Klamerus-Iwan, P M±sior, M Paj±k, ...
Journal of Forestry Research 36 (1), 1-9, 2025
Fine root and soil nutrients pool in the ecosystem following two scenarios of reconstruction—post‐fire and post‐mining large‐scale disturbance
B ¦wi±tek, P Gruba, M Pietrzykowski
Land Degradation & Development, 2023
Impact of Climate Change on Functional Root-Derived Signals
B ¦wi±tek, SK Maiti, M Pietrzykowski
Climate Change and the Microbiome: Sustenance of the Ecosphere, 3-11, 2021
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