Nayna Patel
Nayna Patel
Senior Lecturer in Computing, Brunel University
Zweryfikowany adres z brunel.ac.uk
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Work placements and academic achievement: Undergraduate computing students
N Patel, WP Brinkman, J Coughlan
Education+ Training 54 (6), 523-533, 2012
A methodology for the selection of knowledge management (KM) tools
N Patel, V Hlupic
ITI 2002. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information …, 2002
Dynamic Business Process Modelling (BPM) for business process change
N Patel, V Hlupic
International Journal of Simulation: Systems Science and Technology 2 (2), 65-76, 2001
Business process re-engineering (BPR): The REBUS approach
V Hlupic, J Choudrie, N Patel
Cognition, technology & work 2, 89-96, 2000
A case study of MMO2’s MADIC: a framework for creating mobile Internet systems
P Olla, N Patel, C Atkinson
Internet Research 13 (4), 311-321, 2003
Understanding the consumption process through in‐branch and e‐mortgage service channels: A first‐time buyer perspective
J Coughlan, RD Macredie, N Patel
International Journal of Bank Marketing 29 (2), 148-167, 2011
Moving face-to-face communication to Web-based systems
J Coughlan, R Macredie, N Patel
Interacting with Computers 19 (1), 1-6, 2007
Simulating the use of re-prioritisation as a wait-reduction strategy in an emergency department
J Coughlan, J Eatock, N Patel
Emergency Medicine Journal 28 (12), 1013-1018, 2011
Evaluating the effectiveness of customers’ communication experiences with online retailers–a study of e-mortgages
J Coughlan, RD Macredie, N Patel
Interacting with Computers 19 (1), 83-95, 2007
Artificial intelligence makes computers lazy
S Kent, N Patel
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1 (4), 519-532, 2006
The REBUS approach to business process re-engineering
V Hlupic, J Choudrie, N Patel
Proceedings of Information Technology Interfaces, ITI 99, 475-481, 1999
Design, use and experience of e-learning systems
WP Brinkman, A Payne, N Patel, D Griffin, J Underwood
Proceedings of HCI 2007 The 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference …, 2007
A method for identifying communication breakdowns in user-interfaces
N Patel, JA Coughlan, RD Macredie
Studi di scienze della communicazione, 2006
Technical Aspects of Knowledge Management: A Methodology for Commercial Knowledge Management Tool Selection
N Patel, V Hlupic
Knowledge and Business Process Management, 196-216, 2003
An e-learning environment to engage students in ethical thinking
A Payne, WP Brinkman, N Patel
Proc. of HCI 2007 workshop: Design, use and experience of e-learning systems …, 2007
Understanding the consumption process through in-branch and e-mortgage service channels: A first-time buyer perspective
RD Macredie, N Patel
Emerald Insight Publishing Ltd, 2011
Technical Aspects of Knowledge Management: A Methodology for Commercial
N Patel, V Hlupic
The use of IT to increase nutritional awareness in young children
N Patel, S Kent, S S Rai
Journal of computing and information technology 12 (4), 279-286, 2004
Investigating the evaluation and selection of knowledge management tools
N Patel
School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics, 2002
The display of electronic commerce within virtual environments
SS Morar, N Patel, RD Macredie
Cognition, Technology & Work 2, 126-133, 2000
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