Philippe Angot
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Cytowane przez
A penalization method to take into account obstacles in incompressible viscous flows
P Angot, CH Bruneau, P Fabrie
Numerische Mathematik 81 (4), 497-520, 1999
Fictitious domain approach for numerical modelling of Navier–Stokes equations
K Khadra, P Angot, S Parneix, JP Caltagirone
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 34 (8), 651-684, 2000
Asymptotic and numerical modelling of flows in fractured porous media
P Angot, F Boyer, F Hubert
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 43 (2), 239--275, 2009
A fictitious domain approach with spread interface for elliptic problems with general boundary conditions
I Ramiere, P Angot, M Belliard
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (4-6), 766-781, 2007
Analysis of singular perturbations on the Brinkman problem for fictitious domain models of viscous flows
P Angot
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 22 (16), 1395-1412, 1999
A volume penalization method for incompressible flows and scalar advection–diffusion with moving obstacles
B Kadoch, D Kolomenskiy, P Angot, K Schneider
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (12), 4365-4383, 2012
A general fictitious domain method with immersed jumps and multilevel nested structured meshes
I Ramière, P Angot, M Belliard
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (2), 1347-1387, 2007
Analysis of a combined barycentric finite volume—nonconforming finite element method for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems
P Angot, V Dolejší, M Feistauer, J Felcman
Applications of Mathematics 43, 263-310, 1998
A finite element penalty–projection method for incompressible flows
M Jobelin, C Lapuerta, JC Latché, P Angot, B Piar
Journal of Computational Physics 217 (2), 502-518, 2006
Eulerian-Lagrangian grid coupling and penalty methods for the simulation of multiphase flows interacting with complex objects
A Sarthou, S Vincent, JP Caltagirone, P Angot
International Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids 56 (8), 1093--1099, 2008
A unified fictitious domain model for general embedded boundary conditions
P Angot
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 341 (11), 683-688, 2005
Asymptotic modeling of transport phenomena at the interface between a fluid and a porous layer: Jump conditions
P Angot, B Goyeau, JA Ochoa-Tapia
Physical Review E 95 (6), 063302, 2017
A fast vector penalty-projection method for incompressible non-homogeneous or multiphase Navier-Stokes problems
P Angot, JP Caltagirone, P Fabrie
Applied Mathematics Letters 25 (11), 1681--1688, 2012
On the well-posed coupling between free fluid and porous viscous flows
P Angot
Applied mathematics letters 24 (6), 803-810, 2011
A model of fracture for elliptic problems with flux and solution jumps
P Angot
Comptes rendus. Mathématique 337 (6), 425-430, 2003
A fictitious domain model for the Stokes/Brinkman problem with jump embedded boundary conditions
P Angot
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 348 (11-12), 697-702, 2010
Contribution à l'étude des transferts thermiques dans des systèmes complexes: application aux composants électroniques
P Angot
Bordeaux 1, 1989
Fast discrete Helmholtz-Hodge decompositions in bounded domains
P Angot, JP Caltagirone, P Fabrie
Applied Mathematics Letters 26 (4), 445--451, 2013
Une méthode adaptative de raffinement local: la correction du flux à l'interface
P Angot, JP Caltagirone, K Khadra
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 315 (6 …, 1992
Concept de zoom adaptatif en architecture multigrille locale; étude comparative des méthodes LDC, FAC et FIC
K Khadra, P Angot, JP Caltagirone, P Morel
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 30 (1), 39-82, 1996
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