David Williams
David Williams
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
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Dynamics and control of high-Reynolds-number flow over open cavities
CW Rowley, DR Williams
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 38 (1), 251-276, 2006
Review of active control of flow-induced cavity oscillations
L Cattafesta, F Alvi, D Williams, C Rowley
33rd AIAA fluid dynamics conference and exhibit, 3567, 2003
Active control of flow-induced cavity oscillations
LN Cattafesta III, Q Song, DR Williams, CW Rowley, FS Alvi
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 44 (7-8), 479-502, 2008
A relationship between Ca2+ sensitivity and phosphorylation of gizzard actomyosin
MO Aksoy, D Williams, EM Sharkey, DJ Hartshorne
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 69 (1), 35-41, 1976
Quantitative measurements of three-dim ensional structures in the wake of a circular cylinder
H Mansy, PM Yang, DR Williams
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 270, 277-296, 1994
Linear models for control of cavity flow oscillations
CW Rowley, DR Williams, T Colonius, RM Murray, DG Macmynowski
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 547, 317-330, 2006
Airfoil longitudinal gust response in separated vs. attached flows
K Granlund, B Monnier, M Ol, D Williams
Physics of fluids 26 (2), 2014
Proportional control of asymmetric forebody vortices
JE Bernhardt, DR Williams
AIAA journal 36 (11), 2087-2093, 1998
Reduced-order unsteady aerodynamic models at low Reynolds numbers
SL Brunton, CW Rowley, DR Williams
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 724, 203-233, 2013
The response and symmetry properties of a cylinder wake subjected to localized surface excitation
DR Williams, H Mansy, C Amato
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 234, 71-96, 1992
Reattachment of a compressible turbulent free shear layer
GS Settles, DR Williams, BK Baca, SM Bogdonoff
AIAA Journal 20 (1), 60-67, 1982
Surging and plunging oscillations of an airfoil at low Reynolds number
J Choi, T Colonius, DR Williams
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 763, 237-253, 2015
Closed-loop control of lift for longitudinal gust suppression at low Reynolds numbers
W Kerstens, J Pfeiffer, D Williams, R King, T Colonius
AIAA journal 49 (8), 1721-1728, 2011
Model-based control of cavity oscillations. ii-system identification and analysis
C Rowley, D Williams, T Colonius, R Murray, D MacMartin, D Fabris
40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, 972, 2002
A review of forebody vortex control scenarios
D Williams, D Williams
28th fluid dynamics conference, 1967, 1997
Closed-loop control of forebody flow asymmetry
JE Bernhardt, DR Williams
Journal of Aircraft 37 (3), 491-498, 2000
Experiments on controlling multiple acoustic modes in cavities
D Williams, D Fabris, J Morrow
6th Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 1903, 2000
Experimental determination of the three-dimensional vorticity field in the boundary-layer transition process
DR Williams, H Fasel, FR Hama
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 149, 179-203, 1984
A reattaching free shear layer in compressible turbulent flow
CC Horstman, GS Settles, DR Williams, SM Bogdonoff
AIAA Journal 20 (1), 79-85, 1982
Modeling lift hysteresis on pitching airfoils with a modified Goman–Khrabrov model
DR Williams, F Reißner, D Greenblatt, H Müller-Vahl, C Strangfeld
AIAA Journal 55 (2), 403-409, 2017
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Articles 1–20