Elizabeth Coker
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Cited by
Effects of kinesthetic versus visual imagery practice on two technical dance movements: a pilot study
EC Girón, T McIsaac, D Nilsen
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 16 (1), 36-38, 2012
Motor imagery modality in expert dancers: an investigation of hip and pelvis kinematics in demi-plie and saute
E Coker, TL McIsaac, D Nilsen
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 19 (2), 63-69, 2015
Postural control under cognitive load: Evidence of increased automaticity revealed by center-of-pressure and head kinematics
AV Lubetzky, E Coker, L Arie, MMH Aharoni, T Krasovsky
Journal of Motor Behavior 54 (4), 466-479, 2022
Effect of visual condition on performance of balance-related tasks in elite dance students
E Coker, T Kaminski
Motor Control 24 (3), 397-407, 2020
Iphone accelerometry provides a sensitive in-home assessment of age-related changes in standing balance
E Coker, AV Lubetzky
Journal of aging and physical activity 31 (3), 489-496, 2022
Weighting of visual and auditory inputs in dancers with and without previous ankle injury
E Coker, D Harel, A Roginska, AV Lubetzky
Human Movement Science 92, 103155, 2023
Mirror training and balance control in collegiate ballet and contemporary dance students
ER Coker
Teachers College, Columbia University, 2016
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Articles 1–7