Robin Kaiser
Robin Kaiser
CNRS, Institut de Physique de Nice, Université Côte d'Azur
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Cited by
Laser cooling below the one-photon recoil energy by velocity-selective coherent population trapping
A Aspect, E Arimondo, R Kaiser, N Vansteenkiste, C Cohen-Tannoudji
Physical Review Letters 61 (7), 826, 1988
Laser cooling below the one-photon recoil energy by velocity-selective coherent population trapping: theoretical analysis
A Aspect, E Arimondo, R Kaiser, N Vansteenkiste, C Cohen-Tannoudji
JOSA B 6 (11), 2112-2124, 1989
Subradiance in a large cloud of cold atoms
W Guerin, MO Araújo, R Kaiser
Physical review letters 116 (8), 083601, 2016
Coherent backscattering of light by cold atoms
G Labeyrie, F de Tomasi, JC Bernard, CA Müller, C Miniatura, R Kaiser
Physical Review Letters 83 (25), 5266, 1999
Superradiance in a large and dilute cloud of cold atoms in the linear-optics regime
MO Araújo, I Kre¹iæ, R Kaiser, W Guerin
Physical review letters 117 (7), 073002, 2016
Collective atomic scattering and motional effects in a dense coherent medium
SL Bromley, B Zhu, M Bishof, X Zhang, T Bothwell, J Schachenmayer, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11039, 2016
Controlled Dicke subradiance from a large cloud of two-level systems
T Bienaimé, N Piovella, R Kaiser
Physical review letters 108 (12), 123602, 2012
Photon localization and Dicke superradiance in atomic gases
E Akkermans, A Gero, R Kaiser
Physical review letters 101 (10), 103602, 2008
Slow diffusion of light in a cold atomic cloud
G Labeyrie, E Vaujour, CA Mueller, D Delande, C Miniatura, D Wilkowski, ...
Physical review letters 91 (22), 223904, 2003
Coherent atomic matter waves
PM Hayden, H Inamori, S John, DM Stamper-Kurn, JC Bernard, ...
EDP Sciences, 2001
Localization-delocalization transition in the dynamics of dipolar-coupled nuclear spins
GA Álvarez, D Suter, R Kaiser
Science 349 (6250), 846-848, 2015
Lévy flights of photons in hot atomic vapours
N Mercadier, W Guerin, M Chevrollier, R Kaiser
Nature physics 5 (8), 602-605, 2009
Light interacting with atomic ensembles: collective, cooperative and mesoscopic effects
W Guerin, MT Rouabah, R Kaiser
Journal of Modern Optics 64 (9), 895-907, 2017
Coherent light transport in a cold strontium cloud
Y Bidel, B Klappauf, JC Bernard, D Delande, G Labeyrie, C Miniatura, ...
Physical review letters 88 (20), 203902, 2002
Optomechanical self-structuring in a cold atomic gas
G Labeyrie, E Tesio, PM Gomes, GL Oppo, WJ Firth, GRM Robb, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (4), 321-325, 2014
A cold-atom random laser
Q Baudouin, N Mercadier, V Guarrera, W Guerin, R Kaiser
Nature physics 9 (6), 357-360, 2013
Resonant enhancement of evanescent waves with a thin dielectric waveguide
R Kaiser, Y Levy, N Vansteenkiste, A Aspect, W Seifert, D Leipold, ...
Optics communications 104 (4-6), 234-240, 1994
Cooperativity in light scattering by cold atoms
T Bienaimé, R Bachelard, N Piovella, R Kaiser
Fortschritte der Physik 61 (2‐3), 377-392, 2013
Multiple scattering of light by atoms in the weak localization regime
T Jonckheere, CA Müller, R Kaiser, C Miniatura, D Delande
Physical Review Letters 85 (20), 4269, 2000
Large Faraday rotation of resonant light in a cold atomic cloud
G Labeyrie, C Miniatura, R Kaiser
Physical Review A 64 (3), 033402, 2001
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Articles 1–20