Juan Carlos Preciado
Juan Carlos Preciado
Lenguajes y Sistemas UEx
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Necessity of methodologies to model Rich Internet Applications
JC Preciado, M Linaje, F Sanchez, S Comai
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution, 7-13, 2005
Engineering rich internet application user interfaces over legacy web models
M Linaje, JC Preciado, F Sanchez-Figueroa
IEEE internet computing 11 (6), 53-59, 2007
Designing rich internet applications with web engineering methodologies
JC Preciado, M Linaje, S Comai, F Sánchez-Figueroa
2007 9th IEEE International Workshop on Web Site Evolution, 23-30, 2007
Designing rich internet applications combining uwe and rux-method
JC Preciado, M Linaje, R Morales-Chaparro, F Sanchez-Figueroa, ...
2008 Eighth International Conference on Web Engineering, 148-154, 2008
A method for model based design of rich internet application interactive user interfaces
M Linaje, JC Preciado, F Sánchez-Figueroa
Web Engineering: 7th International Conference, ICWE 2007 Como, Italy, July …, 2007
State-of-the-art and trends in the systematic development of rich internet applications
G Toffetti, S Comai, JC Preciado, M Linaje
Journal of Web Engineering, 070-086, 2011
Creating a recommender system to support higher education students in the subject enrollment decision
AJ Fernández-García, R Rodríguez-Echeverría, JC Preciado, ...
IEEE Access 8, 189069-189088, 2020
Business process-based conceptual design of rich internet applications
M Brambilla, JC Preciado, M Linaje, F Sanchez-Figueroa
2008 Eighth International Conference on Web Engineering, 155-161, 2008
A real-life machine learning experience for predicting university dropout at different stages using academic data
AJ Fernández-García, JC Preciado, F Melchor, R Rodriguez-Echeverria, ...
IEEE Access 9, 133076-133090, 2021
An autonomous UAV architecture for remote sensing and intelligent decision-making
J Boubeta-Puig, E Moguel, F Sánchez-Figueroa, J Hernández, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 22 (3), 6-15, 2018
MVC web design patterns and rich internet applications
R Morales-Chaparro, M Linaje, JC Preciado, F Sanchez-Figueroa
Proceedings of the Jornadas de Ingenierıa del Software y Bases de Datos, 39-46, 2007
Modernization of legacy web applications into rich internet applications
R Rodríguez-Echeverría, JM Conejero, PJ Clemente, JC Preciado, ...
Current Trends in Web Engineering: Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, and …, 2012
Los programas arquitectónicos de época julio-claudia de" Bilbilis"
JCS Preciado, MAM Bueno
La decoración arquitectónica en las ciudades romanas de occidente: actas del …, 2004
la ínsula I de Bilbilis (Calatayud, Zaragoza)
M Martín-Bueno, JCS Preciado
Salduie, 127-158, 2002
A short-term data based water consumption prediction approach
R Benítez, C Ortiz-Caraballo, JC Preciado, JM Conejero, ...
Energies 12 (12), 2359, 2019
Hyperspectral image classification using a self-organizing map
P Martinez, JA Gualtieri, PL Aguilar, R Pérez, M Linaje, JC Preciado, ...
Summaries of the X JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, 2001
Applying data driven decision making to rank vocational and educational training programs with TOPSIS
JM Conejero, JC Preciado, AE Prieto, MC Bas, VJ Bolós
Decision Support Systems 142, 113470, 2021
Automatic generation of rias using rux-tool and webratio
M Linaje, JC Preciado, R Morales-Chaparro, R Rodríguez-Echeverría, ...
Web Engineering: 9th International Conference, ICWE 2009 San Sebastián …, 2009
Providing RIA user interfaces with accessibility properties
M Linaje, A Lozano-Tello, MA Perez-Toledano, JC Preciado, ...
Journal of Symbolic Computation 46 (2), 207-217, 2011
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Bilbilis. Informe preliminar de la campaña de 2003
MAM Bueno, JCS Preciado, PU Agudo
Salduie: Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología, 473-488, 2004
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Articles 1–20