Nicola Spurling
Nicola Spurling
Senior Lecturer
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Interventions in practice: re-framing policy approaches to consumer behaviour
N Spurling, A McMeekin, E Shove, D Southerton, D Welch
University of Manchester, Sustainable Practices Research Group, 2013
Conceptualizing connections: Energy demand, infrastructures and social practices
E Shove, M Watson, N Spurling
European journal of social theory 18 (3), 274-287, 2015
Sustainable practices: Social theory and climate change
E Shove, N Spurling
Sustainable Practices, 1-13, 2013
The Internationalisation of UK Higher Education: a review of selected material
V Caruana, N Spurling
Higher Education Academy 164, 2007
Interventions in practices: Sustainable mobility policies in England
N Spurling, A McMeekin
Social practices, intervention and sustainability, 78-94, 2014
Qualities of connective tissue in hospital life: How complexes of practices change
S Blue, N Spurling
The nexus of practices, 36-49, 2016
All Change? The future of travel demand and the implications for policy and planning
GR Marsden, J Dales, P Jones, E Seagriff, N Spurling
Commission on Travel Demand, 2018
Exploring adjustment: The social situation of Chinese students in UK higher education.
N Spurling
Learning & Teaching in the Social Sciences 3 (2), 2006
Differential experiences of time in academic work: How qualities of time are made in practice
N Spurling
Time & Society 24 (3), 367-389, 2015
Matters of time: Materiality and the changing temporal organisation of everyday energy consumption
N Spurling
Journal of Consumer Culture 21 (2), 146-163, 2021
Parking futures: The relationship between parking space, everyday life and travel demand in the UK
N Spurling
Land Use Policy 91, 103872, 2020
Shared mobility: Where now? Where next
G Marsden, J Anable, J Bray, E Seagriff, N Spurling
The Second Report of the Commission on Travel Demand, Centre for Reseach …, 2019
Entities, performances and interventions
N Spurling, S Blue
Foulds, C. and, 2014
Internationalisation of HE in the UK:‘Where are we now and where might we go?’
V Caruana, E Jones, S Etherington, N Spurling, N Sola, J Wilkinson, ...
Education in a Changing Environment, 2007
Interventions in practices
N Spurling, A McMeekin
Social Practices, Intervention and Sustainability-Beyond behaviour change, 2014
Research strategies, 'capital' and the goods of social science research
NJ Spurling
Tribes and Territories in Higher Education: Practices in the 21st Century, 2012
Can ‘systems of practice’help to analyse wide-scale socio-technical change
R Macrorie, M Daly, N Spurling
Practices, the Built Environment and Sustainability–A Thinking Note Collection, 2014
Making space for the car at home: planning, priorities and practices
N Spurling
Infrastructures in Practice, 128-140, 2018
Scene changes and key changes: disciplines and identities in HE dance, drama and music
P Kleiman
Tribes and Territories in the 21st Century, 130-141, 2012
Authors of Our Own Lives? Individuals, institutions and the everyday practice of sociology
NJ Spurling
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2010
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Articles 1–20