Therese Macan
Therese Macan
Professor of Psychology, University of Missouri - St. Louis
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College students' time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress.
TH Macan, C Shahani, RL Dipboye, AP Phillips
Journal of educational psychology 82 (4), 760, 1990
Time management: Test of a process model.
TH Macan
Journal of applied psychology 79 (3), 381, 1994
The employment interview: A review of current studies and directions for future research
T Macan
Human Resource Management Review 19 (3), 203-218, 2009
Measurement of newcomer socialization: Construct validation of a multidimensional scale
JA Haueter, TH Macan, J Winter
Journal of vocational behavior 63 (1), 20-39, 2003
The effects of applicants' reactions to cognitive ability tests and an assessment center
TH Macan, MJ Avedon, M Paese, DE Smith
Personnel Psychology 47 (4), 715-738, 1994
Time-management training: Effects on time behaviors, attitudes, and job performance
TH Macan
The Journal of psychology 130 (3), 229-236, 1996
The relationship of interviewers' preinterview impressions to selection and recruitment outcomes
TH Macan, RL Dipboye
Personnel Psychology 43 (4), 745-768, 1990
The selection interview from the interviewer and applicant perspectives: Can’t have one without the other
RL Dipboye, T Macan, C Shahani-Denning
The Oxford handbook of personnel assessment and selection, 323-352, 2012
Employee recruitment: Current knowledge and directions for future research
JA Breaugh, TH Macan, DM Grambow
International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2008 23, 45-82, 2008
The effects of interviewers' initial impressions on information gathering
TH Macan, RL Dipboye
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 42 (3), 364-387, 1988
The Effects of the Application on Processing of Information From the Employment Interview.1
TH Macan, RL Dipboye
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24 (14), 1291-1314, 1994
Disability disclosure effects on employment interview ratings of applicants with nonvisible disabilities.
LL Roberts, TH Macan
Rehabilitation Psychology 51 (3), 239, 2006
Spector's work locus of control scale: Dimensionality and validity evidence
TH Macan, ML Trusty, SK Trimble
Educational and Psychological measurement 56 (2), 349-357, 1996
Note-taking in the employment interview: Effects on recall and judgments.
CH Middendorf, TH Macan
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (2), 293, 2002
Effects of applicant pregnancy on hiring decisions and interview ratings
J Cunningham, T Macan
Sex Roles 57, 497-508, 2007
Communicating the utility of human resource activities: A survey of I/O and HR professionals
TH Macan, S Highhouse
Journal of Business and Psychology 8, 425-436, 1994
Will you remember to read this article later when you have time? The relationship between prospective memory and time management
T Macan, JM Gibson, J Cunningham
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (6), 725-730, 2010
How can leaders foster team learning? Effects of leader-assigned mastery and performance goals and psychological safety
SA Ashauer, T Macan
The Journal of psychology 147 (6), 541-561, 2013
Tell me sweet little lies: How does faking in interviews affect interview scores and interview validity?
AK Buehl, KG Melchers, T Macan, J Kühnel
Journal of Business and Psychology 34 (1), 107-124, 2019
Both sides of the employment interview interaction: Perceptions of interviewers and applicants with disabilities.
TH Macan, TL Hayes
Rehabilitation Psychology 40 (4), 261, 1995
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Articles 1–20