Sławomir Kaptacz
Sławomir Kaptacz
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Science and Technology
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Cited by
The effect of deep cryogenic treatment and precipitation hardening on the structure, micromechanical properties and wear of the Mg–Y-Nd-Zr alloy
A Barylski, K Aniołek, G Dercz, M Kupka, S Kaptacz
Wear 468, 203587, 2021
Mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and bioactivity of oxide layers formed by isothermal oxidation of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy
K Aniołek, B Łosiewicz, J Kubisztal, P Osak, A Stróż, A Barylski, S Kaptacz
Coatings 11 (5), 505, 2021
The influence of the type of polypropylene and the length of the flow path on the structure and properties of injection molded parts with the weld lines
E Bociąga, S Kaptacz, P Duda, A Rudawska
Polymer Engineering & Science 59 (8), 1710-1718, 2019
Tribological and mechanical behavior of graphite composites of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) irradiated by the electron beam
A Barylski, AS Swinarew, K Aniołek, S Kaptacz, J Gabor, A Stanula, ...
Polymers 12 (8), 1676, 2020
Properties of ultra‐high‐molecular‐weight polyethylene with a structure modified by plastic deformation and electron‐beam irradiation
J Cybo, J Maszybrocka, P Duda, Z Bartczak, A Barylski, S Kaptacz
Journal of applied polymer science 125 (6), 4197-4208, 2012
The sclerometrical, mechanical, and wear behavior of Mg-Y-Nd magnesium alloy after deep cryogenic treatment combined with heat treatment
A Barylski, K Aniołek, G Dercz, M Kupka, I Matuła, S Kaptacz
Materials 14 (5), 1218, 2021
Radiation–chemical modification of PTFE in the presence of graphite
A Barylski, J Maszybrocka, M Kupka, K Aniołek, S Kaptacz
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 132 (31), 2015
Investigation of micromechanical properties and tribological behavior of WE43 magnesium alloy after deep cryogenic treatment combined with precipitation hardening
A Barylski, K Aniołek, G Dercz, P Kowalewski, S Kaptacz, J Rak, M Kupka
Materials 14 (23), 7343, 2021
Novel organic material induced by electron beam irradiation for medical application
A Barylski, K Aniołek, AS Swinarew, S Kaptacz, J Gabor, Z Waśkiewicz, ...
Polymers 12 (2), 306, 2020
Tribological properties of ceramic-carbon surface layers obtained in electrolytes with a different graphite content
MP Bara, W Skoneczny, S Kaptacz
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność, 2008
Investigation of dry sliding friction, wear and mechanical behavior of the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy after thermal oxidation
K Aniołek, A Barylski, P Kowalewski, S Kaptacz
Materials 15 (9), 3168, 2022
Mechanical properties of graphene oxide-copper composites
PJ Duda, R Muzyka, Z Robak, S Kaptacz
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 61 (2), 2016
Influence of Anodizing Parameters on Tribological Properties and Wettability of Al2O3 Layers Produced on the EN AW-5251 Aluminum Alloy
M Niedźwiedź, M Bara, W Skoneczny, S Kaptacz, G Dercz
Materials 15 (21), 7732, 2022
Ocena odporności zużyciowej tworzyw polimerowych we współpracy z powłoką tlenkową
PJ Duda, MP Bara, S Kaptacz
Tribologia, 2010
Charakterystyki tribologiczne warstwy Al2O3 modyfikowanej grafitem w skojarzeniu ślizgowym z kompozytami polimerowymi
M Bara, W Skoneczny, S Kaptacz
Tribologia, 23-32, 2009
Al2O3/WS2 Surface Layers Produced on the Basis of Aluminum Alloys for Applications in Oil-Free Kinematic Systems
J Korzekwa, M Bara, S Kaptacz
Materials 14 (24), 7738, 2021
Analysis of tribological properties of selected ptfe-based polymer composites in a sliding interaction with aluminium oxide (Al2O3)
W Skoneczny, S Kaptacz, A Barylski, T Kmita
Tribologia, 2018
Characterization of tribological properties of oxide layers obtained on titanium in different friction couples
K Aniołek, A Barylski, M Kupka, S Kaptacz, P Czajerek
Tribologia, 2018
Charakterystyki tribologiczne materiałów węglowych przeznaczonych na płatki zastawek serca
PJ Duda, S Kaptacz, K Jurkiewicz, J Szymańska
Tribologia, 2014
Tribological Properties and Surface Wettability of Coatings Produced on the Mg-AZ31B Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
M Niedźwiedź, M Bara, J Korzekwa, S Kaptacz, M Sowa, A Olesiński, ...
Coatings 14 (7), 780, 2024
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Articles 1–20