Daniel Leising
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The time has come for dimensional personality disorder diagnosis
CJ Hopwood, R Kotov, RF Krueger, D Watson, TA Widiger, RR Althoff, ...
Personality and mental health 12 (1), 82-86, 2018
The Structure and Correlates of Self-Reported DSM-5 Maladaptive Personality Traits: Findings From Two German-Speaking Samples
J Zimmermann, D Altenstein, T Krieger, MG Holtforth, J Pretsch, ...
Journal of personality disorders 28 (4), 518-540, 2014
The letter of recommendation effect in informant ratings of personality.
D Leising, J Erbs, U Fritz
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (4), 668, 2010
The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20): A measure of general psychological distress
D Leising, T Grande, R Faber
Journal of research in personality 43 (4), 707-710, 2009
The latent structure of personality functioning: Investigating criterion a from the alternative model for personality disorders in DSM–5.
J Zimmermann, JR Böhnke, R Eschstruth, A Mathews, K Wenzel, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 124 (3), 532, 2015
Assessing DSM–5 Level of Personality Functioning From Videotaped Clinical Interviews: A Pilot Study With Untrained and Clinically Inexperienced Students
J Zimmermann, C Benecke, DS Bender, AE Skodol, H Schauenburg, ...
Journal of personality assessment 96 (4), 397-409, 2014
An integrative conceptual framework for assessing personality and personality pathology
D Leising, J Zimmermann
Review of General Psychology 15 (4), 317-330, 2011
A model of “substance” and “evaluation” in person judgments
D Leising, S Scherbaum, KD Locke, J Zimmermann
Journal of Research in Personality 57, 61-71, 2015
Relation of melody complexity in infants' cries to language outcome in the second year of life: A longitudinal study
K Wermke, D Leising, A Stellzig‐Eisenhauer
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 21 (11-12), 961-973, 2007
What is the structure of perceiver effects? On the importance of global positivity and trait-specificity across personality domains and judgment contexts.
R Rau, EN Carlson, MD Back, M Barranti, JE Gebauer, LJ Human, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 120 (3), 745, 2021
Vocabulary for describing disliked persons is more differentiated than vocabulary for describing liked persons
D Leising, O Ostrovski, P Borkenau
Journal of Research in Personality 46 (4), 393-396, 2012
Toward a shared understanding of important consequences of personality
NM Wessels, J Zimmermann, D Leising
Review of General Psychology 20 (4), 426-436, 2016
Differential associations of knowing and liking with accuracy and positivity bias in person perception.
NM Wessels, J Zimmermann, JC Biesanz, D Leising
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118 (1), 149, 2020
You spy with your little eye: People are “blind” to some of the ways in which they are consensually seen by others
AMB Gallrein, EN Carlson, M Holstein, D Leising
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (5), 464-471, 2013
Ten steps toward a better personality science - how quality may be rewarded more in research evaluation
D Leising, I Thielmann, A Glöckner, A Gärtner, F Schönbrodt
Personality Science, 1-44, 2022
Substance and evaluation in personality disorder diagnoses
D Leising, S Scherbaum, P Packmohr, J Zimmermann
Journal of personality disorders 32 (6), 766-783, 2018
Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik im DSM-5
J Zimmermann, C Benecke, DS Bender, AE Skodol, RF Krueger, ...
Psychotherapeut 58, 455-465, 2013
Judging the behavior of people we know: Objective assessment, confirmation of preexisting views, or both?
D Leising, AMB Gallrein, M Dufner
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (2), 153-163, 2014
The undisordered personality: Normative assumptions underlying personality disorder diagnoses
D Leising, K Rogers, J Ostner
Review of General Psychology 13 (3), 230-241, 2009
What types of terms do people use when describing an individual’s personality?
D Leising, J Scharloth, O Lohse, D Wood
Psychological science 25 (9), 1787-1794, 2014
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Articles 1–20