John S. Kinnebrew
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Cited by
Integrating computational thinking with K-12 science education using agent-based computation: A theoretical framework
P Sengupta, JS Kinnebrew, S Basu, G Biswas, D Clark
Education and Information Technologies 18, 351-380, 2013
A contextualized, differential sequence mining method to derive students' learning behavior patterns.
JS Kinnebrew, KM Loretz, G Biswas
Journal of Educational Data Mining 5 (1), 190-219, 2013
Measuring self-regulated learning skills through social interactions in a teachable agent environment
G Biswas, H Jeong, JS Kinnebrew, B Sulcer, ROD Roscoe
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 5 (02), 123-152, 2010
Learner modeling for adaptive scaffolding in a computational thinking-based science learning environment
S Basu, G Biswas, JS Kinnebrew
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 27, 5-53, 2017
Identifying middle school students’ challenges in computational thinking-based science learning
S Basu, G Biswas, P Sengupta, A Dickes, JS Kinnebrew, D Clark
Research and practice in technology enhanced learning 11, 1-35, 2016
Identifying Learning Behaviors by Contextualizing Differential Sequence Mining with Action Features and Performance Evolution.
JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2012
Analyzing the temporal evolution of students’ behaviors in open-ended learning environments
JS Kinnebrew, JR Segedy, G Biswas
Metacognition and learning 9, 187-215, 2014
Using coherence analysis to characterize self-regulated learning behaviours in open-ended learning environments
JR Segedy, JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas
Journal of Learning Analytics 2 (1), 13–48-13–48, 2015
Data-Driven Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems Leveraging on Big Data and the Internet-of-Things for Diagnosis and Control.
O Niggemann, G Biswas, JS Kinnebrew, H Khorasgani, S Volgmann, ...
DX, 185-192, 2015
Integrating model-driven and data-driven techniques for analyzing learning behaviors in open-ended learning environments
JS Kinnebrew, JR Segedy, G Biswas
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 10 (2), 140-153, 2015
The effect of contextualized conversational feedback in a complex open-ended learning environment
JR Segedy, JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas
Educational Technology Research and Development 61, 71-89, 2013
Identifying Students' Characteristic Learning Behaviors in an Intelligent Tutoring System Fostering Self-Regulated Learning.
F Bouchet, R Azevedo, JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2012
CTSiM: A computational thinking environment for learning science through simulation and modeling
S Basu, A Dickes, JS Kinnebrew, P Sengupta, G Biswas
International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2, 369-378, 2013
Investigating self-regulated learning in teachable agent environments
JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas, B Sulcer, RS Taylor
International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies, 451-470, 2013
Cloud-hosted simulation-as-a-service for high school STEM education
F Caglar, S Shekhar, A Gokhale, S Basu, T Rafi, J Kinnebrew, G Biswas
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 58, 255-273, 2015
Assessing student performance in a computational-thinking based science learning environment
S Basu, JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 12th International Conference, ITS 2014 …, 2014
Behavior prediction in MOOCs using higher granularity temporal information
C Ye, JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas, BJ Evans, DH Fisher, G Narasimham, ...
Proceedings of the second (2015) ACM conference on Learning@ Scale, 335-338, 2015
Modeling and measuring self-regulated learning in teachable agent environments
JS Kinnebrew, G Biswas, WB Sulcer
2010 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2010
Supporting student learning using conversational agents in a teachable agent environment
J Segedy, J Kinnebrew, G Biswas
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
A decision-theoretic planner with dynamic component reconfiguration for distributed real-time applications
JS Kinnebrew, A Gupta, N Shankaran, G Biswas, DC Schmidt
Eighth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS'07 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20