A program for coupled-channel calculations with all order couplings for heavy-ion fusion reactions K Hagino, N Rowley, AT Kruppa Computer Physics Communications 123 (1-3), 143-152, 1999 | 1268 | 1999 |
The quiescent intracluster medium in the core of the Perseus cluster Nature 535 (7610), 117-121, 2016 | 503 | 2016 |
Subbarrier fusion reactions and many-particle quantum tunneling K Hagino, N Takigawa Progress of theoretical physics 128 (6), 1061-1106, 2012 | 432 | 2012 |
Fusion versus Breakup: Observation of Large Fusion Suppression for 9 B e+ 208 Pb M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, RD Butt, RM Anjos, AC Berriman, N Carlin, ... Physical review letters 82 (7), 1395, 1999 | 393 | 1999 |
Role of breakup processes in fusion enhancement of drip-line nuclei at energies below the Coulomb barrier K Hagino, A Vitturi, CH Dasso, SM Lenzi Physical Review C 61 (3), 037602, 2000 | 325 | 2000 |
Systematic failure of the Woods-Saxon nuclear potential to describe both fusion and elastic scattering: Possible need for a new dynamical approach to fusion JO Newton, RD Butt, M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, II Gontchar, CR Morton, ... Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (2), 024605, 2004 | 302 | 2004 |
Coupled-channels analysis of the fusion barrier distribution CR Morton, AC Berriman, M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, JO Newton, K Hagino, ... Physical Review C 60 (4), 044608, 1999 | 300 | 1999 |
Fusion and breakup in the reactions of and nuclei with M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, K Hagino, SB Moraes, PRS Gomes, RM Anjos, ... Physical Review C 66 (4), 041602, 2002 | 248 | 2002 |
Pairing correlations in nuclei on the neutron-drip line K Hagino, H Sagawa Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 72 (4), 044321, 2005 | 219 | 2005 |
Comprehensive study of reaction mechanisms for the system at near- and sub-barrier energies PRS Gomes, I Padron, E Crema, OA Capurro, JOF Niello, A Arazi, ... Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (6), 064606, 2006 | 213 | 2006 |
Systematic study of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double- decay with a beyond-mean-field covariant density functional theory JM Yao, LS Song, K Hagino, P Ring, J Meng Physical Review C 91 (2), 024316, 2015 | 204 | 2015 |
Experimental barrier distributions for the fusion of and with and coupled-channels analyses JO Newton, CR Morton, M Dasgupta, JR Leigh, JC Mein, DJ Hinde, ... Physical Review C 64 (6), 064608, 2001 | 199 | 2001 |
Fusion suppression and sub-barrier breakup of weakly bound nuclei DJ Hinde, M Dasgupta, BR Fulton, CR Morton, RJ Wooliscroft, ... Physical review letters 89 (27), 272701, 2002 | 194 | 2002 |
Near-barrier fusion of weakly bound and nuclei with C Beck, FA Souza, N Rowley, SJ Sanders, N Aissaoui, EE Alonso, ... Physical Review C 67 (5), 054602, 2003 | 181 | 2003 |
Future of nuclear fission theory M Bender, R Bernard, G Bertsch, S Chiba, J Dobaczewski, N Dubray, ... Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47 (11), 113002, 2020 | 176 | 2020 |
Atmospheric gas dynamics in the Perseus cluster observed with Hitomi Hitomi Collaboration, F Aharonian, H Akamatsu, F Akimoto, SW Allen, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 70 (2), 9, 2018 | 163 | 2018 |
Hitomi constraints on the 3.5 keV line in the Perseus galaxy cluster FA Aharonian, H Akamatsu, F Akimoto, SW Allen, L Angelini, KA Arnaud, ... The Astrophysical Journal Letters 837 (1), L15, 2017 | 163 | 2017 |
Coexistence of BCS-and BEC-like pair structures in halo nuclei K Hagino, H Sagawa, J Carbonell, P Schuck Physical review letters 99 (2), 022506, 2007 | 162 | 2007 |
Status of x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission (XRISM) M Tashiro, H Maejima, K Toda, R Kelley, L Reichenthal, L Hartz, R Petre, ... Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 11444 …, 2020 | 155 | 2020 |
Large-angle scattering and quasielastic barrier distributions K Hagino, N Rowley Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (5), 054610, 2004 | 153 | 2004 |