Krzysztof Lichy
Cited by
Cited by
Transfer learning-based UWB indoor localization using MHT-MDC and clusterization-based sparse fingerprinting
B Morawska, P Lipinski, K Lichy, K Adamkiewicz
Journal of Computational Science 61, 101654, 2022
Improving UWB indoor localization accuracy using sparse fingerprinting and transfer learning
K Adamkiewicz, P Koch, B Morawska, P Lipiński, K Lichy, M Leplawy
International Conference on Computational Science, 291-302, 2021
Deep Convolutional Network for Steganalysis of HUGO, WOW, and UNIWARD algorithms
K Lichy, P Lipinski, M Grzelak
2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2020
Static and dynamic comparison of pozyx and decawave uwb indoor localization systems with possible improvements
B Morawska, P Lipiński, K Lichy, P Koch, M Leplawy
International Conference on Computational Science, 582-594, 2021
Od algorytmu dynamicznej cieczy sieciowej do dedykowanego komputera równoległego
P Polanowski, J Jung, R Kiełbik, A Napieralski, K Lichy
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 84, 69-73, 2008
Systoliczne przetwarzanie sygnałów cyfrowych
M Kwapisz, K Lichy, E Lipowska-Nadolska
Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, Warszawa, 2007
Dog breed library with picture-based search using neural networks
A Dabrowski, K Lichy, P Lipiński, B Morawska
2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2021
Eco-friendly Home Automation System Implemented Using Machine Learning Algorithms
J Krymarys, K Lichy, P Lipiński, B Morawska
2020 IEEE 15th International conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2020
The use of heuristic algorithms: A case study of a card game
K Lichy, M Mazur, J Stolarek, P Lipiński
Journal of Applied Computer Science 26 (2), 107-116, 2018
Hybrid localization indoor system using WiFi and magnetometer sensor
M Leplawy, P Lipiński, K Lichy
2017 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics …, 2017
E-Learning a ustawa o ochronie danych osobowych
K Lichy, P Lipiński
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, 2014
Mobile Hand Gesture Controlled Application using Transfer Learning
A Preczyńska, K Lichy, P Lipiński, B Morawska
2022 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2022
Error reduction for static localization
B Morawska, K Lichy, P Koch, J Niedzwiedzki, M Leplawy, P Lipinski
Journal of Applied Computer Science 28 (1), 7--37, 2020
Empirical research of autonomous robot control system
P Lipiński, K Lichy, J Santorek
2018 IEEE 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2018
Wykorzystanie algorytmu a-star w wyznaczaniu tras na akwenach wodnych
S Bałdyga, K Lichy
Use of a-star algorithm in the design of water vessels]. Zeszyty Naukowe …, 2017
Interfejs MIDI w organach piszczałkowych
K Lichy
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki 14, 2015
Expert systems in medical rescue
K Lichy, A Ziemecki
Information Systems in Management 4 (2), 110-122, 2015
A simple, rate-based traffic control solution for IPv4 networks using Linux-based hop-by-hop closed loop and queuing discipline implementation
M Karbowańczyk, P Duszyński, K Lichy
Grzech A.(red.), Borzemski L.(red.), Świątek J.(red.), Wilimowska Z.(red …, 2009
Ultrawideband Localization Improvement Based on LSTM Neural Networks
B Morawska, P Lipiński, K Lichy
2023 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Science and Information …, 2023
Integrating Anomaly Detection for Enhanced Data Protection in Cloud-Based Applications
K Czerkas, M Drozd, A Duraj, K Lichy, P Lipiński, M Morawski, ...
Wojciechowski A.(Ed.), Lipiński P.(Ed.)., Progress in Polish Artificial …, 2023
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Articles 1–20