Eric Rawdon
Eric Rawdon
Zweryfikowany adres z stthomas.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Conservation of complex knotting and slipknotting patterns in proteins
JI Sulkowska, EJ Rawdon, KC Millet, JN Onuchic, A Stasiak
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 253a, 2012
KnotProt: a database of proteins with knots and slipknots
M Jamroz, W Niemyska, EJ Rawdon, A Stasiak, KC Millett, P Sułkowski, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (D1), D306-D314, 2015
Thickness of knots
RA Litherland, J Simon, O Durumeric, E Rawdon
Topology and its Applications 91 (3), 233-244, 1999
Effect of knotting on the shape of polymers
EJ Rawdon, JC Kern, M Piatek, P Plunkett, A Stasiak, KC Millett
Macromolecules 41 (21), 8281-8287, 2008
KnotProt 2.0: a database of proteins with knots and other entangled structures
P Dabrowski-Tumanski, P Rubach, D Goundaroulis, J Dorier, P Sułkowski, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D367-D375, 2019
Identifying knots in proteins
KC Millett, EJ Rawdon, A Stasiak, JI Sułkowska
Biochemical Society Transactions 41 (2), 533-537, 2013
Knot tightening by constrained gradient descent
T Ashton, J Cantarella, M Piatek, EJ Rawdon
Experimental Mathematics 20 (1), 57-90, 2011
Bending modes of DNA directly addressed by cryo-electron microscopy of DNA minicircles
D Demurtas, A Amzallag, EJ Rawdon, JH Maddocks, J Dubochet, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (9), 2882-2893, 2009
Knotting pathways in proteins
JI Sułkowska, JK Noel, CA Ramírez-Sarmiento, EJ Rawdon, KC Millett, ...
Biochemical Society Transactions 41 (2), 523-527, 2013
LinkProt: a database collecting information about biological links
P Dabrowski-Tumanski, AI Jarmolinska, W Niemyska, EJ Rawdon, ...
Nucleic acids research, gkw976, 2016
Energy, ropelength, and other physical aspects of equilateral knots
KC Millett, EJ Rawdon
Journal of Computational Physics 186 (2), 426-456, 2003
Can computers discover ideal knots?
EJ Rawdon
Experimental Mathematics 12 (3), 287-302, 2003
Approximating the thickness of a knot
EJ Rawdon
Ideal knots, 143-150, 1998
Approximating smooth thickness
EJ Rawdon
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 9 (01), 113-145, 2000
Scaling behavior and equilibrium lengths of knotted polymers
E Rawdon, A Dobay, JC Kern, KC Millett, M Piatek, P Plunkett, A Stasiak
Macromolecules 41 (12), 4444-4451, 2008
How topoisomerase IV can efficiently unknot and decatenate negatively supercoiled DNA molecules without causing their torsional relaxation
EJ Rawdon, J Dorier, D Racko, KC Millett, A Stasiak
Nucleic acids research 44 (10), 4528-4538, 2016
Total curvature and total torsion of knotted polymers
P Plunkett, M Piatek, A Dobay, JC Kern, KC Millett, A Stasiak, EJ Rawdon
Macromolecules 40 (10), 3860-3867, 2007
Physical and numerical models in knot theory: including applications to the life sciences
JA Calvo
World Scientific, 2005
Knot localization in proteins
EJ Rawdon, KC Millett, JI Sułkowska, A Stasiak
Biochemical Society Transactions 41 (2), 538-541, 2013
Subknots in ideal knots, random knots and knotted proteins
EJ Rawdon, KC Millett, A Stasiak
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8928, 2015
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