Ewa Skimina
Ewa Skimina
PhD, Assistant Professor, SWPS University
Zweryfikowany adres z swps.edu.pl - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
The short IPIP-BFM-20 questionnaire for measuring the Big Five
E Topolewska, E Skimina, W Strus, J Cieciuch, T Rowiński
Roczniki Psychologiczne 17 (2), 385-402, 2014
Behavioral signatures of values in everyday behavior in retrospective and real-time self-reports
E Skimina, J Cieciuch, SH Schwartz, E Davidov, R Algesheimer
Frontiers in psychology 10, 281, 2019
Testing the circular structure and importance hierarchy of value states in real-time behaviors
E Skimina, J Cieciuch, SH Schwartz, E Davidov, R Algesheimer
Journal of Research in Personality 74, 42-49, 2018
Krótki kwestionariusz do pomiaru Wielkiej Piątki IPIP-BFM-20
E Topolewska, E Skimina, W Strus, J Cieciuch, T Rowiński
Roczniki Psychologiczne 17 (2), 367-384, 2019
Traits and values as predictors of the frequency of everyday behavior: Comparison between models and levels
E Skimina, J Cieciuch, W Strus
Current Psychology 40 (1), 133-153, 2021
Explaining Everyday Behaviours and Situational Context by Personality Metatraits and Higher–Order Values
E Skimina, J Cieciuch
European Journal of Personality 34 (1), 29-59, 2020
Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine
J Scharbert, S Humberg, L Kroencke, T Reiter, S Sakel, J Ter Horst, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 1202, 2024
Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories
E Skimina, W Strus, J Cieciuch, P Szarota, P Izdebski
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 8 (3), 255-278, 2020
Between‐and within‐person structures of value traits and value states: Four different structures, four different interpretations
E Skimina, J Cieciuch, W Revelle
Journal of Personality 89 (5), 951-969, 2021
Value structure and priorities: Other-report account
E Skimina, J Cieciuch
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 6 (3), 252-259, 2017
Taking a person-centered approach to cognitive emotion regulation: A latent-profile analysis of temperament and anxiety, and depression types
A Wytykowska, M Fajkowska, E Skimina
Personality and Individual Differences 189, 111489, 2022
How many and what mechanisms are needed to explain self‐regulatory functions in personality dynamics: Toward a model based on the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits
E Skimina, W Strus, J Cieciuch, E Topolewska‐Siedzik
Journal of Personality 91 (4), 882-900, 2023
Emotion dynamics and emotion regulation in anorexia nervosa: A systematic review of ecological momentary assessment studies
M Wayda-Zalewska, P Grzegorzewski, E Kot, E Skimina, PS Santangelo, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (20), 13659, 2022
A categorization of behaviors reported in experience sampling studies
E Skimina, D Karaś, E Topolewska-Siedzik, M Kłym-Guba, K Ponikiewska, ...
Social Psychological Bulletin 15 (2), 1-33, 2020
A global experience‐sampling method study of well‐being during times of crisis: The CoCo project
J Scharbert, T Reiter, S Sakel, J Ter Horst, K Geukes, SD Gosling, ...
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 17 (10), e12813, 2023
Podstawowe standardy edytorskie naukowych tekstów psychologicznych w języku polskim na podstawie reguł APA 7
E Skimina, J Harasimczuk, J Cieciuch
Liberi Libri, 2022
A Literature Review Looking at Graduate Employability Skills (GESs): GES App Report 1: Review of the GES literature
G Maciejewski, A Simpson, L Boyle, A Jimoyiannis, M McCrory, HA Olstad, ...
University of the West of Scotland, 2020
Zachowania celowe mierzone samoopisowo – pomiar i struktura [Self-reported purposive behaviors – measurement and structure]
E Skimina, J Cieciuch, W Strus, T Rowiński, A Świtalski
Psychologia - Etologia - Genetyka 36, 7–32, 2017
Obraz siebie i doświadczanie własnego ciała u młodych kobiet z zaburzeniami odżywiania
E Skimina, J Libicka
W E. Drop, M. Maćkiewicz (Red.), Młoda psychologia 1, 101-115, 2012
A Global ESM Study of Well-Being During Times of Crisis: The CoCo Project
J Scharbert, T Reiter, S Sakel, J ter Horst, K Geukes, S Gosling, GM Harari, ...
PsyArXiv, 2023
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