Dalin Zhang
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Deep learning for sensor-based human activity recognition: overview, challenges and opportunities
K Chen, D Zhang, L Yao, B Guo, Z Yu, Y Liu
ACM Computing Surveys 54 (4), 77:1-40, 2021
A semisupervised recurrent convolutional attention model for human activity recognition
K Chen, L Yao, D Zhang, X Wang, X Chang, F Nie
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems (TNNLS) 31 (5 …, 2020
Making sense of spatio-temporal preserving representations for EEG-based human intention recognition
D Zhang, L Yao, K Chen, S Wang, X Chang, Y Liu
IEEE transactions on cybernetics (TCYB) 50 (7), 3033 - 3044, 2019
Cascade and parallel convolutional recurrent neural networks on EEG-based intention recognition for brain computer interface
D Zhang, L Yao, X Zhang, S Wang, W Chen, R Boots, B Benatallah
Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 32 (1), 2018
A convolutional recurrent attention model for subject-independent EEG signal analysis
D Zhang, L Yao, K Chen, J Monaghan
IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) 26 (5), 715-719, 2019
Motor Imagery Classification via Temporal Attention Cues of Graph Embedded EEG Signals
D Zhang, K Chen, D Jian, L Yao
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI) 24 (9), 2570-2579, 2020
Converting your thoughts to texts: Enabling brain typing via deep feature learning of eeg signals
X Zhang, L Yao, QZ Sheng, SS Kanhere, T Gu, D Zhang
2018 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2018
Multi-Person Brain Activity Recognition via Comprehensive EEG Signal Analysis
X Zhang, L Yao, D Zhang, X Wang, QZ Sheng, T Gu
The 14th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2017
A Graph-Based Hierarchical Attention Model for Movement Intention Detection from EEG Signals
D Zhang, L Yao, K Chen, S Wang, PD Haghighi, C Sullivan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE …, 2019
AutoCTS: Automated correlated time series forecasting
X Wu, D Zhang, C Guo, C He, B Yang, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 15 (4), 971-983, 2021
Distributionally robust semi-supervised learning for people-centric sensing
K Chen, L Yao, D Zhang, X Chang, G Long, S Wang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 33 (01 …, 2019
Research on closed-loop supply chain with competing retailers under government reward-penalty mechanism and asymmetric information
X Zhang, X Yuan, D Zhang
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2020, 2020
Interpretable parallel recurrent neural networks with convolutional attentions for multi-modality activity modeling
K Chen, L Yao, X Wang, D Zhang, T Gu, Z Yu, Z Yang
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
EEG-based Emotion Recognition with Emotion Localization via Hierarchical Self-Attention
Y Zhang, H Liu, D Zhang, X Chen, T Qin, Q Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC), 2022
Multi-agent attentional activity recognition
K Chen, L Yao, D Zhang, B Guo, Z Yu
The 28th International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI …, 2019
Growth of SnO2 nanowire arrays by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and their gas sensing performance
J Sun, P Sun, D Zhang, J Xu, X Liang, F Liu, G Lu
RSC Advances 4 (82), 43429-43435, 2014
Uncertainty Quantification for Traffic Forecasting: A Unified Approach
W Qian, D Zhang, Y Zhao, K Zheng, JJQ Yu
2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 992--1004, 2023
AutoCTS+: Joint neural architecture and hyperparameter search for correlated time series forecasting
X Wu, D Zhang, M Zhang, C Guo, B Yang, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data 1 (1), 1-26, 2023
LightCTS: A Lightweight Framework for Correlated Time Series Forecasting
Z Lai, D Zhang, H Li, CS Jensen, H Lu, Y Zhao
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data 1 (2), 1-26, 2023
Ready for Use: Subject-Independent Movement Intention Recognition via a Convolutional Attention Model
D Zhang, L Yao, K Chen, S Wang
27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management …, 2018
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