jinfen zhang
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Cited by
Incorporation of human factors into maritime accident analysis using a data-driven Bayesian network
S Fan, E Blanco-Davis, Z Yang, J Zhang, X Yan
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 203, 107070, 2020
A distributed anti-collision decision support formulation in multi-ship encounter situations under COLREGs
J Zhang, D Zhang, X Yan, S Haugen, CG Soares
Ocean Engineering 105, 336-348, 2015
Maritime transportation risk assessment of Tianjin Port with Bayesian belief networks
J Zhang, ĀP Teixeira, C Guedes Soares, X Yan, K Liu
Risk analysis 36 (6), 1171-1187, 2016
Maritime accident prevention strategy formulation from a human factor perspective using Bayesian Networks and TOPSIS
S Fan, J Zhang, E Blanco-Davis, Z Yang, X Yan
Ocean Engineering 210, 107544, 2020
A novel MP-LSTM method for ship trajectory prediction based on AIS data
D Gao, Y Zhu, J Zhang, Y He, K Yan, B Yan
Ocean Engineering 228, 108956, 2021
Use of fuzzy rule-based evidential reasoning approach in the navigational risk assessment of inland waterway transportation systems
D Zhang, X Yan, J Zhang, Z Yang, J Wang
Safety science 82, 352-360, 2016
A path planning approach based on multi-direction A* algorithm for ships navigating within wind farm waters
L Xie, S Xue, J Zhang, M Zhang, W Tian, S Haugen
Ocean Engineering 184, 311-322, 2019
A spatial–temporal forensic analysis for inland–water ship collisions using AIS data
Y Wang, J Zhang, X Chen, X Chu, X Yan
Safety science 57, 187-202, 2013
Effects of seafarers’ emotion on human performance using bridge simulation
S Fan, J Zhang, E Blanco-Davis, Z Yang, J Wang, X Yan
Ocean Engineering 170, 111-119, 2018
A novel real-time collision risk awareness method based on velocity obstacle considering uncertainties in ship dynamics
X Yuan, D Zhang, J Zhang, M Zhang, CG Soares
Ocean Engineering 220, 108436, 2021
Autonomous decision-making scheme for multi-ship collision avoidance with iterative observation and inference
T Wang, Q Wu, J Zhang, B Wu, Y Wang
Ocean Engineering 197, 106873, 2020
Quantitative assessment of collision risk influence factors in the Tianjin port
J Zhang, ĀP Teixeira, CG Soares, X Yan
Safety science 110, 363-371, 2018
Multi-ship collision avoidance decision-making based on collision risk index
Y Hu, A Zhang, W Tian, J Zhang, Z Hou
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (9), 640, 2020
Analysis of maritime transport accidents using Bayesian networks
S Fan, Z Yang, E Blanco-Davis, J Zhang, X Yan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2020
A novel approach for assistance with anti-collision decision making based on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
J Zhang, X Yan, X Chen, L Sang, D Zhang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2012
Effectiveness of maritime safety control in different navigation zones using a spatial sequential DEA model: Yangtze River case
B Wu, Y Wang, J Zhang, EE Savan, X Yan
Accident analysis & prevention 81, 232-242, 2015
Safety management performance assessment for Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) by using generalized belief rule base methodology
J Zhang, X Yan, D Zhang, S Haugen, X Yang
Safety Science 63, 157-167, 2014
Collision risk analysis on ferry ships in Jiangsu Section of the Yangtze River based on AIS data
M Cai, J Zhang, D Zhang, X Yuan, CG Soares
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 215, 107901, 2021
A simulation model for ship navigation in the “Xiazhimen” waterway based on statistical analysis of AIS data
X Xin, K Liu, X Yang, Z Yuan, J Zhang
Ocean Engineering 180, 279-289, 2019
A probabilistic risk approach for the collision detection of multi-ships under spatiotemporal movement uncertainty
X Xin, K Liu, Z Yang, J Zhang, X Wu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 215, 107772, 2021
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