Olga V. Solovieva
Cited by
Cited by
Christ's Subversive Body: Practices of Religious Rhetoric in Culture and Politics
OV Solovieva
Northwestern University Press, 2017
The erased grave of Dersu Uzala: Kurosawa's cinema of memory and mourning
OV Solovieva
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 2 (1), 63-79, 2010
Kurosawa Akira's The Idiot: Where the East meets the West
OV Solovieva
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 1 (2), 129-142, 2009
The Portrayal of a Murderer in Fritz Lang's M: Toward an Effect of Three-Dimensionality in the Classical Cinema
O Solovieva
Quarterly Review of Film and Video 29 (1), 50-63, 2012
The intellectual embodied in his medium, or the cinematic passion of Pier Paolo Pasolini
OV Solovieva
Italian Culture 29 (1), 52-68, 2011
The Russian Kurosawa: Transnational Cinema, or the Art of Speaking Differently
OV Solovieva
Oxford University Press, 2023
Japan's Russia: Challenging the East-West Paradigm
O Solovieva, S Konishi
Epiphanius of Salamis Between Church and State: New Perspectives on the Iconoclastic Fragments
O Solovieva
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum/Journal of Ancient Christianity 16 (2 …, 2012
POLYPHONIE UND KARNEVAL: Spuren Dostoevskijs in Thomas Manns Roman" Doktor Faustus"
OV Solovieva
Poetica 37 (3/4), 463-494, 2005
Identifying the Suspect: Lang's M and the Trajectories of Film Criticism
O Solovieva
A Companion to Fritz Lang, 94-113, 2015
Kurosawa Akira's The Lower Depths: Beggar cinema at the disjuncture of times
OV Solovieva
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 5 (1-2), 37-57, 2013
Fassbinder's France: Genet's Mise‐en‐Scène in Fassbinder's Films
O Solovieva
A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 333-351, 2012
Horror Old and New: Nakata Hideo's Ringu (1998) between J‐Horror and Hibakusha Cinema
OV Solovieva
A Companion to Japanese Cinema, 382-400, 2022
Peepshow, Death Camp, Art Gallery: The Spaces of Pasolini’s Salò and Mauri’s Intellettuale
OV Solovieva
TDR/The Drama Review 63 (1), 64-82, 2019
Chernobyl, the Unheard Prayer: Svetlana Alexievich and the Little Voices of Fukushima
OV Solovieva
boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 45 (4), 203-221, 2018
Rebellion: A Note on Agamben's Reception of Dostoevsky in The Open
O Solovieva
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature …, 2016
A discourse apart: the body of Christ and the practice of cultural subversion
OV Solovieva
(No Title), 2007
Something Like an Autobiography: Akira Kurosawa on Free Pedagogy and Restoration of Japan’s Democratic Self
OV Solovieva
Reopening the Opening of Japan, 379-400, 2023
Eleven Winters of Discontent: The Siberian Internment and the Making of a New Japan. By Sherzod Muminov. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2022. xiv, 384 pp. Notes …
OV Solovieva
Slavic Review 82 (1), 253-254, 2023
Rochona Majumdar, Art Cinema and India’s Forgotten Futures: Film and History in the Postcolony. Columbia University Press, 2021, 320 pp.
OV Solovieva
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 10 (1), 135-137, 2023
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Articles 1–20