Javier Rosell-Ferrer
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Skin impedance from 1 Hz to 1 MHz
J Rosell, J Colominas, P Riu, R Pallas-Areny, JG Webster
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 35 (8), 649-651, 1988
Magnetic induction tomography: hardware for multi-frequency measurements in biological tissues
H Scharfetter, HK Lackner, J Rosell
Physiological Measurement 22 (1), 131, 2001
Localized bioimpedance to assess muscle injury
L Nescolarde, J Yanguas, H Lukaski, X Alomar, J Rosell-Ferrer, G Rodas
Physiological measurement 34 (2), 237, 2013
Effects of muscle injury severity on localized bioimpedance measurements
L Nescolarde, J Yanguas, H Lukaski, X Alomar, J Rosell-Ferrer, G Rodas
Physiological measurement 36 (1), 27, 2014
A multifrequency magnetic induction tomography system using planar gradiometers: data collection and calibration
J Rosell-Ferrer, R Merwa, P Brunner, H Scharfetter
Physiological Measurement 27 (5), S271, 2006
Detection of muscle gap by L-BIA in muscle injuries: clinical prognosis
L Nescolarde, J Yanguas, J Terricabras, H Lukaski, X Alomar, ...
Physiological measurement 38 (7), L1, 2017
Interpulse multifrequency electrical impedance measurements during electroporation of adherent differentiated myotubes
T García-Sánchez, A Azan, I Leray, J Rosell-Ferrer, R Bragos, LM Mir
Bioelectrochemistry 105, 123-135, 2015
Apparatus and procedure for measuring volumes and global and segmental corporal composition in human beings
JR Ferrer, PR Costa, RP Areny, JE Canas, RB Bardia
US Patent 6,151,523, 2000
Single-step 3-D image reconstruction in magnetic induction tomography: Theoretical limits of spatial resolution and contrast to noise ratio
H Scharfetter, K Hollaus, J Rosell-Ferrer, R Merwa
Annals of biomedical engineering 34, 1786-1798, 2006
Assessment and follow-up of muscle injuries in athletes by bioimpedance: preliminary results
L Nescolarde, J Yanguas, D Medina, G Rodas, J Rosell-Ferrer
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Physiological conditioning by electric field stimulation promotes cardiomyogenic gene expression in human cardiomyocyte progenitor cells
A Lluciŕ-Valldeperas, B Sanchez, C Soler-Botija, C Gálvez-Montón, ...
Stem cell research & therapy 5, 1-5, 2014
Measurement errors in multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analyzers with and without impedance electrode mismatch
P Bogonez-Franco, L Nescolarde, R Bragos, J Rosell-Ferrer, I Yandiola
Physiological measurement 30 (7), 573, 2009
Electrical stimulation of cardiac adipose tissue‐derived progenitor cells modulates cell phenotype and genetic machinery
A Lluciŕ‐Valldeperas, B Sanchez, C Soler‐Botija, C Gálvez‐Montón, ...
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 9 (11), E76-E83, 2015
Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) in stable and non-stable heart failure patients: a pilot study
P Gastelurrutia, L Nescolarde, J Rosell-Ferrer, M Domingo, N Ribas, ...
International journal of cardiology 146 (2), 262-264, 2011
Recognition of fibrotic infarct density by the pattern of local systolic-diastolic myocardial electrical impedance
G Amorós-Figueras, E Jorge, T García-Sánchez, R Bragós, ...
Frontiers in physiology 7, 389, 2016
Endocardial infarct scar recognition by myocardial electrical impedance is not influenced by changes in cardiac activation sequence
G Amorós-Figueras, E Jorge, C Alonso-Martin, D Traver, M Ballesta, ...
Heart rhythm 15 (4), 589-596, 2018
Changes in myocardial electrical impedance in human heart graft rejection
J Cinca, J Ramos, MA Garcia, R Bragos, A Bayés‐Genís, Y Salazar, ...
European journal of heart failure 10 (6), 594-600, 2008
Fusing actigraphy signals for outpatient monitoring
E Fuster-Garcia, A Bresó, J Martínez-Miranda, J Rosell-Ferrer, ...
Information Fusion 23, 69-80, 2015
Phase angle by electrical bioimpedance is a predictive factor of hospitalisation, falls and mortality in patients with cirrhosis
E Román, M Poca, G Amorós-Figueras, J Rosell-Ferrer, C Gely, JC Nieto, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 20415, 2021
Localized BIA identifies structural and pathophysiological changes in soft tissue after post-traumatic injuries in soccer players
L Nescolarde, J Yanguas, H Lukaski, G Rodas, J Rosell-Ferrer
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
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Articles 1–20