Przemysław Krata
Przemysław Krata
Gdańsk University of Technology
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Ship domain applied to determining distances for collision avoidance manoeuvres in give-way situations
R Szlapczynski, P Krata, J Szlapczynska
Ocean Engineering 165, 43-54, 2018
Marine traffic risk modelling–an innovative approach and a case study
J Montewka, P Krata, F Goerlandt, A Mazaheri, P Kujala
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2011
Ship weather routing optimization with dynamic constraints based on reliable synchronous roll prediction
P Krata, J Szlapczynska
Ocean Engineering 150, 124-137, 2018
Towards the development of a risk model for unmanned vessels design and operations
K Wrobel, P Krata, J Montewka, T Hinz
TransNav-The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2016
Determining and visualizing safe motion parameters of a ship navigating in severe weather conditions
R Szlapczynski, P Krata
Ocean Engineering 158, 263-274, 2018
Determination of the dynamic critical maneuvering area in an encounter between two vessels: Operation with negligible environmental disruption
M Gil, J Montewka, P Krata, T Hinz, S Hirdaris
Ocean Engineering 213, 107709, 2020
Assessment of a critical area for a give-way ship in a collision encounter
P Krata, J Montewka
Archives of Transport 34, 2015
Weather hazard avoidance in modeling safety of motor-driven ship for multicriteria weather routing
P Krata, J Szlapczynska
TransNav 6 (1), 71-78, 2012
On ship roll resonance frequency
W Wawrzyński, P Krata
Ocean engineering 126, 92-114, 2016
Method for ship’s rolling period prediction with regard to non-linearity of GZ curve
W Wawrzyński, P Krata
Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics 54 (4), 1329-1343, 2016
Towards a method for detecting large roll motions suitable for oceangoing ships
M Acanfora, P Krata, J Montewka, P Kujala
Applied Ocean Research 79, 49-61, 2018
On the use of leading safety indicators in maritime and their feasibility for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
K Wróbel, M Gil, P Krata, K Olszewski, J Montewka
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2023
The impact of sloshing liquids on ship stability for various dimensions of partly filled tanks
P Krata
TransNav-The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2013
A Ship Domain‐Based Method of Determining Action Distances for Evasive Manoeuvres in Stand‐On Situations
R Szlapczynski, P Krata, J Szlapczynska
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018 (1), 3984962, 2018
An updated method identifying collision-prone locations for ships. A case study for oil tankers navigating in the Gulf of Finland
J Mazurek, L Lu, P Krata, J Montewka, H Krata, P Kujala
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 217, 108024, 2022
Total losses of fishing vessels due to the insufficient stability
P Krata
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2008
Multi-objective weather routing of sailboats considering wave resistance
M Życzkowski, P Krata, R Szłapczyński
Polish Maritime Research 25 (1), 4-12, 2018
Towards the assessment of critical area in a collision encounter accounting for stability conditions of a ship
P Krata, J Montewka, T Hinz
WUT Journal of Transportation Engineering 114, 169-178, 2016
Towards the assessment of a critical distance between two encountering ships in open waters
J Montewka, P Krata
European Journal of Navigation 12 (3), 7-14, 2014
Linear characteristics of the sloshing phenomenon for the purpose of on-board ship's stability assessment
P Krata
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 47 (2), 307-320, 2009
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Articles 1–20