David Ory
David Ory
Senior Engineering Manager, WSP
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Cytowane przez
When is getting there half the fun? Modeling the liking for travel
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 39 (2-3), 97-123, 2005
When is commuting desirable to the individual?
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian, LS Redmond, I Salomon, GO Collantes, S Choo
Growth and Change 35 (3), 334-359, 2004
Which came first, the telecommuting or the residential relocation? An empirical analysis of causality
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Urban Geography 27 (7), 590-609, 2006
Modeling the structural relationships among short-distance travel amounts, perceptions, affections, and desires
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 43 (1), 26-43, 2009
The impact of non-normality, sample size and estimation technique on goodness-of-fit measures in structural equation modeling: evidence from ten empirical models of travel behavior
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Quality & Quantity 44, 427-445, 2010
The overreliance on statistical goodness-of-fit and under-reliance on model validation in discrete choice models: A review of validation practices in the transportation …
G Parady, D Ory, J Walker
Journal of Choice Modelling 38, 100257, 2021
Shopping-related attitudes: a factor and cluster analysis of Northern California shoppers
PL Mokhtarian, DT Ory, X Cao
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 36 (2), 204-228, 2009
Structural equation models
PL Mokhtarian, DT Ory
Elsevier, 2009
MTC’s travel model one: applications of an activity-based model in its first year
G Erhardt, D Ory, A Sarvepalli, J Freedman, J Hood, B Stabler
5th transportation research board innovations in travel modeling conference, 2012
The Impact of Telecommuting on Commute Time, Distance, and Speed of State of California Workers
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Exploring the cognitive and affective mechanisms behind subjective assessments of travel amounts
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian, GO Collantes
Environment and Behavior 39 (4), 494-528, 2007
An empirical analysis of causality in the relationship between telecommuting and residential and job relocation
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Structural equation modeling of relative desired travel amounts
DT Ory
University of California, Davis, 2007
The pros and cons of using the change in destination choice logsums as a practical measure of user benefits
K Villanueva, L Zorn, D Ory, D Vautin
Transportation Research Record 2672 (46), 64-72, 2018
The positive utility of travel
Transportation research. Part A, Policy and practice 39 (2-3), 2005
Who Likes Traveling?: Models of the Individual's Affinity for Various Kinds of Travel
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, 2004
Does telecommuting really save commute time? Time, distance, and speed evidence from State of California workers
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Competing claims in work and family life, 249-268, 2007
Don't work, work at home, or commute? Discrete choice models of the decision for San Francisco Bay Area residents
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Don’t work, work at home, or commute
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
Discrete choice models of the decision for San Francisco Bay Area residents, 2005
Description of a Northern California shopping survey data collection effort
DT Ory, PL Mokhtarian
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