Nature over nurture: temperament, personality, and life span development. RR McCrae, PT Costa Jr, F Ostendorf, A Angleitner, M Høebíèková, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (1), 173, 2000 | 2323 | 2000 |
NEO-Fünf-Faktoren-Inventar (NEO-FFI) nach Costa und McCrae: Handanweisung P Borkenau, F Ostendorf | 2157 | 1993 |
The lexical approach to personality: A historical review of trait taxonomic research OP John, A Angleitner, F Ostendorf European journal of Personality 2 (3), 171-203, 1988 | 1110 | 1988 |
Age differences in personality across the adult life span: parallels in five cultures. RR McCrae, PT Costa, MP de Lima, A Simões, F Ostendorf, A Angleitner, ... Developmental psychology 35 (2), 466, 1999 | 1099 | 1999 |
NEO-Persönlichkeitsinventar nach Costa und McCrae, Revidierte Fassung (NEO-PI-R) F Ostendorf, A Angleitner Hogrefe, 2004 | 870* | 2004 |
Carving personality description at its joints: Confirmation of three replicable personality prototypes for both children and adults JB Asendorpf, P Borkenau, F Ostendorf, MAG Van Aken European Journal of personality 15 (3), 169-198, 2001 | 700 | 2001 |
National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures A Terracciano, AM Abdel-Khalek, N Adam, L Adamovová, C Ahn, H Ahn, ... Science 310 (5745), 96-100, 2005 | 693 | 2005 |
Is the genetic structure of human personality universal? A cross-cultural twin study from North America, Europe, and Asia. S Yamagata, A Suzuki, J Ando, Y Ono, N Kijima, K Yoshimura, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (6), 987, 2006 | 541 | 2006 |
Hierarchical subcomponents of the Big Five personality factors: a cross-language replication. G Saucier, F Ostendorf Journal of personality and social psychology 76 (4), 613, 1999 | 504 | 1999 |
Sprache und Persönlichkeitsstruktur: Zur Validität des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der Persönlichkeit F Ostendorf Regensburg: Roderer, 1990 | 477 | 1990 |
Towards a taxonomy of personality descriptors in German: a psycho‐lexical study A Angleitner, F Ostendorf, OP John European Journal of Personality 4 (2), 89-118, 1990 | 441 | 1990 |
Comparing exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: A study on the 5-factor model of personality P Borkenau, F Ostendorf Personality and Individual differences 11 (5), 515-524, 1990 | 428 | 1990 |
Clarification of the five-factor model with the Abridged Big Five Dimensional Circumplex. JA Johnson, F Ostendorf Journal of personality and social psychology 65 (3), 563, 1993 | 368 | 1993 |
NEO-FFI: NEO-Fünf-Faktoren-Inventar nach Costa und McCrae, Manual P Borkenau, F Ostendorf | 359 | 2008 |
Only three factors of personality description are fully replicable across languages: a comparison of 14 trait taxonomies. B De Raad, DPH Barelds, E Levert, F Ostendorf, B Mlaèiæ, LD Blas, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (1), 160, 2010 | 339 | 2010 |
The Big Five as states: How useful is the five-factor model to describe intraindividual variations over time? P Borkenau, F Ostendorf Journal of Research in Personality 32 (2), 202-221, 1998 | 310 | 1998 |
NEO-Fünf-Faktoren Inventar: Nach Costa u. McCrae; NEO-FFI P Borkenau, F Ostendorf Hogrefe, Verlag f. Psychologie, 2008 | 304 | 2008 |
Personality psychology in Europe LR Goldberg Tilburg University Press, 1999 | 229 | 1999 |
Is self-enhancement healthy? Conceptual, psychometric, and empirical analysis. JB Asendorpf, F Ostendorf Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74 (4), 955, 1998 | 224 | 1998 |
Ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung fünf robuster Persönlichkeitsfaktoren. P Borkenau, F Ostendorf Diagnostica, 1991 | 217 | 1991 |