Tommi Mikkola
Tommi Mikkola
University lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
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Cited by
A 6-DoF maneuvering model for the rapid estimation of hydrodynamic actions in deep and shallow waters
G Taimuri, J Matusiak, T Mikkola, P Kujala, S Hirdaris
Ocean Engineering 218, 108103, 2020
Transient response of a ship to an abrupt flooding accounting for the momentum flux
T Manderbacka, T Mikkola, P Ruponen, J Matusiak
Journal of Fluids and Structures 57, 108-126, 2015
A study into the FSI modelling of flat plate water entry and related uncertainties
D Yan, T Mikkola, A Lakshmynarayanana, S Tödter, TE Schellin, ...
Marine Structures 86, 103296, 2022
Simulation of plunger-type wave makers
T Mikkola
Rakenteiden mekaniikka 40 (4), 19-39, 2007
The influence of obliquely perforated dual-baffles on sway induced tank sloshing dynamics
H Saghi, T Mikkola, S Hirdaris
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2021
A fluid–solid momentum exchange method for the prediction of hydroelastic responses of flexible water entry problems
S Tavakoli, T Mikkola, S Hirdaris
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 965, A19, 2023
Hydroelastic analysis of slamming induced impact on stiff and flexible structures by two-way CFD-FEA coupling
D Yan, T Mikkola, P Kujala, S Hirdaris
Ships and Offshore Structures 18 (9), 1300-1312, 2023
A fast and storage-saving method for direct volumetric integration of FWH acoustic analogy
Y Wang, T Mikkola, S Hirdaris
Ocean Engineering 261, 112087, 2022
A machine learning method for the evaluation of hydrodynamic performance of floating breakwaters in waves
H Saghi, T Mikkola, S Hirdaris
Ships and Offshore Structures 17 (7), 1447-1461, 2022
A two-way coupled FSI model for the rapid evaluation of accidental loads following ship hard grounding
G Taimuri, SJ Kim, T Mikkola, S Hirdaris
Journal of Fluids and Structures 112, 103589, 2022
On the numerical accuracy of the wave load distribution on a ship advancing in short and steep waves
SK Hänninen, T Mikkola, J Matusiak
Journal of marine science and technology 17, 125-138, 2012
The influence of hydrodynamic assumptions on ship maneuvering
G Taimuri, T Mikkola, J Matusiak, P Kujala, S Hirdaris
Proceedings of the 22nd Numerical Towing Tank Symposium (NuTTS 2019), Tomar …, 2019
Sloshing forces on a tank with two compartments, application of the pendulum model and CFD
TL Manderbacka, V Jacob, T Carriot, T Mikkola, JE Matusiak
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45509 …, 2014
Time accurate simulation of a plunger type wave maker using unstructured finite volume solver with surface tracking
T Mikkola
26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, 2006
The resistance committee-final report and recommendations to the 26th ittc
J Gorski, SR Turnock, B Alessandrini, H Chun, U Hollenbach, T Mikkola, ...
Proceedings of the International Towing Tank Conference, 2011
Computational and experimental study on local ship loads in short and steep waves
SK Hänninen, T Mikkola, J Matusiak
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 19, 103-115, 2014
Implementation of an implicit scheme into a free surface RANS solver in order to improve the convergence
T Mikkola
Comparative study on numerical hydroelastic analysis of impact-induced loads
D Yan, S Hosseinzadeh, A Lakshmynarayanana, T Mikkola, S Hirdaris
of the 23rd numerical towing tank symposium. NuTTs, 6, 2021
Computation of ship-hull flows at model-and full-scale Reynolds numbers
S Hanninen, T Mikkola
Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics Seminar, Maritime Institute of Finland, Turku, 2006
A boundary element method for the prediction of hydrodynamic ship–ice–wave interactions in regular waves
Z Jiang, F Li, T Mikkola, P Kujala, S Hirdaris
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 145 (6), 061601, 2023
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Articles 1–20