Allison Tegge
Allison Tegge
Zweryfikowany adres z vt.edu
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Cytowane przez
NNcon: improved protein contact map prediction using 2D-recursive neural networks
AN Tegge, Z Wang, J Eickholt, J Cheng
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_2), W515-W518, 2009
Episodic future thinking reduces delay discounting and cigarette demand: an investigation of the good-subject effect
JS Stein, AN Tegge, JK Turner, WK Bickel
Journal of behavioral medicine 41, 269-276, 2018
Machine learning methods for protein structure prediction
J Cheng, AN Tegge, P Baldi
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 1, 41-49, 2008
Evaluating the absolute quality of a single protein model using structural features and support vector machines
Z Wang, AN Tegge, J Cheng
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 75 (3), 638-647, 2009
A machine-learning approach to predicting smoking cessation treatment outcomes
LN Coughlin, AN Tegge, CE Sheffer, WK Bickel
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 22 (3), 415-422, 2020
miR-124,-128, and-137 orchestrate neural differentiation by acting on overlapping gene sets containing a highly connected transcription factor network
MCT Santos, AN Tegge, BR Correa, S Mahesula, LQ Kohnke, M Qiao, ...
Stem cells 34 (1), 220-232, 2016
Prediction of global and local quality of CASP8 models by MULTICOM series
J Cheng, Z Wang, AN Tegge, J Eickholt
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 181-184, 2009
Signaling hypergraphs
A Ritz, AN Tegge, H Kim, CL Poirel, TM Murali
Trends in biotechnology 32 (7), 356-362, 2014
Pathways on demand: automated reconstruction of human signaling networks
A Ritz, CL Poirel, AN Tegge, N Sharp, K Simmons, A Powell, SD Kale, ...
NPJ systems biology and applications 2 (1), 1-9, 2016
Cross-commodity delay discounting of alcohol and money in alcohol users
LN Moody, AN Tegge, WK Bickel
The Psychological Record 67, 285-292, 2017
Willing to work but not to wait: Individuals with greater alcohol use disorder show increased delay discounting across commodities and less effort discounting for alcohol
QH Phung, SE Snider, AN Tegge, WK Bickel
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 43 (5), 927-936, 2019
XTalkDB: a database of signaling pathway crosstalk
SA Sam, J Teel, AN Tegge, A Bharadwaj, TM Murali
Nucleic acids research 45 (D1), D432-D439, 2017
Are poor quality data just random responses?: A crowdsourced study of delay discounting in alcohol use disorder.
WH Craft, AN Tegge, R Freitas-Lemos, DC Tomlinson, WK Bickel
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 30 (4), 409, 2022
Antagonism between the RNA-binding protein Musashi1 and miR-137 and its potential impact on neurogenesis and glioblastoma development
MX Velasco, A Kosti, GDA Guardia, MC Santos, A Tegge, M Qiao, ...
Rna 25 (7), 768-782, 2019
Comparative analysis of neuropeptide cleavage sites in human, mouse, rat, and cattle
AN Tegge, BR Southey, JV Sweedler, SL Rodriguez-Zas
Mammalian Genome 19, 106-120, 2008
Xtalk: a path-based approach for identifying crosstalk between signaling pathways
AN Tegge, N Sharp, TM Murali
Bioinformatics 32 (2), 242-251, 2016
The illegal experimental tobacco marketplace I: effects of Vaping product bans
R Freitas-Lemos, JS Stein, AN Tegge, BA Kaplan, BW Heckman, ...
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 23 (10), 1744-1753, 2021
GraphSpace: stimulating interdisciplinary collaborations in network biology
A Bharadwaj, DP Singh, A Ritz, AN Tegge, CL Poirel, P Kraikivski, ...
Bioinformatics 33 (19), 3134-3136, 2017
hmmSeq: A hidden Markov model for detecting differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data
S Cui, S Guha, MAR Ferreira, AN Tegge
Semaglutide and Tirzepatide reduce alcohol consumption in individuals with obesity
F Quddos, Z Hubshman, A Tegge, D Sane, E Marti, AS Kablinger, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 20998, 2023
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