Magdalena Ziolo
Magdalena Ziolo
University of Szczecin, Poland
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Generalised framework for multi-criteria method selection
J Wątróbski, J Jankowski, P Ziemba, A Karczmarczyk, M Zioło
Omega 86, 107-124, 2019
Rozwój lokalny i regionalny
A Szewczuk, M Kogut-Jaworska, M Zioło
Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo CH Beck, Warszawa, 98-99, 2011
Rozwój lokalny i regionalny
B Filipiak, M Kogut, A Szewczuk, M Zioło
Uwarunkowania, finanse, procedury, Fundacja na rzecz Uniwersytetu …, 2005
How to design more sustainable financial systems: The roles of environmental, social, and governance factors in the decision-making process
M Ziolo, BZ Filipiak, I Bąk, K Cheba
Sustainability 11 (20), 5604, 2019
The role of sustainable finance in achieving sustainable development goals: Does it work?
M Ziolo, I Bak, K Cheba
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 27 (1), 45-70, 2021
Zarys ekonomiki sektora publicznego
A Szewczuk, M Zioło
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2008
Finance, sustainability and negative externalities. An overview of the European context
M Ziolo, BZ Filipiak, I Bąk, K Cheba, DM Tîrca, I Novo-Corti
Sustainability 11 (15), 4249, 2019
Using the PROSA method in offshore wind farm location problems
P Ziemba, J Wątróbski, M Zioło, A Karczmarczyk
Energies 10 (11), 1755, 2017
Innovation and environmental, social, and governance factors influencing sustainable business models-Meta-analysis
K Kluza, M Ziolo, A Spoz
Journal of Cleaner Production 303, 127015, 2021
Link between energy efficiency and sustainable economic and financial development in OECD countries
M Ziolo, S Jednak, G Savić, D Kragulj
Energies 13 (22), 5898, 2020
Fuzzy multi-objective modeling of effectiveness and user experience in online advertising
J Jankowski, P Kazienko, J Wątróbski, A Lewandowska, P Ziemba, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 65, 315-331, 2016
Green energy for a green city—A multi-perspective model approach
J Wątróbski, P Ziemba, J Jankowski, M Zioło
Sustainability 8 (8), 702, 2016
Gospodarka finansowa w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego
K Brzozowska, M Gorzałczyńska-Koczkodaj, M Kogut-Jaworska, M Zioło
CeDeWu, 2017
Centralizacja i decentralizacja zadań publicznych w świetle wybranych rozwiązań europejskich. Próba oceny
S Flejterski, M Zioło
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 76-94, 2008
Sustainable finance role in creating conditions for sustainable economic growth and development
M Ziolo, F Fidanoski, K Simeonovski, V Filipovski, K Jovanovska
Sustainable Economic Development: Green Economy and Green Growth, 187-211, 2017
Patterns of interdependence between financial development, fiscal instruments, and environmental degradation in developed and converging EU countries
M Zioło, K Kluza, J Kozuba, M Kelemen, P Niedzielski, P Zinczak
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (12), 4425, 2020
Finanse zrównoważone. Rozwój, ryzyko, rynek
M Zioło
PWE, 2020
Financing sustainable development: Key challenges and prospects
M Ziolo, BS Sergi
Springer, 2019
Sustainable financial systems toward sustainability in finance. Institutional and managerial approach
M Zioło, I Bąk, K Cheba, A Spoz, P Niedzielski
Procedia Computer Science 192, 4237-4248, 2021
Achieving environmental policy objectives through the implementation of sustainable development goals. The case for European Union Countries
K Kluza, M Zioło, I Bąk, A Spoz
Energies 14 (8), 2129, 2021
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