Brooke Jenkins
Brooke Jenkins
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Positive affect and health: What do we know and where next should we go?
SD Pressman, BN Jenkins, JT Moskowitz
Annual review of psychology 70 (1), 627-650, 2019
Development of a short version of the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale
BN Jenkins, MA Fortier, SH Kaplan, LC Mayes, ZN Kain
Anesthesia & Analgesia 119 (3), 643-650, 2014
The whole is not the sum of its parts: Specific types of positive affect influence sleep differentially.
SD Pressman, BN Jenkins, TL Kraft-Feil, H Rasmussen, MF Scheier
Emotion 17 (5), 778, 2017
Revisiting a measure of child postoperative recovery: development of the Post Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire for Ambulatory Surgery
BN Jenkins, ZN Kain, SH Kaplan, RS Stevenson, LC Mayes, ...
Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (7), 738-745, 2015
When is affect variability bad for health? The association between affect variability and immune response to the influenza vaccination
BN Jenkins, JF Hunter, MP Cross, AM Acevedo, SD Pressman
Journal of psychosomatic research 104, 41-47, 2018
Affect variability and predictability: Using recurrence quantification analysis to better understand how the dynamics of affect relate to health.
BN Jenkins, JF Hunter, MJ Richardson, TS Conner, SD Pressman
Emotion 20 (3), 391, 2020
Height and body mass on the mating market: Associations with number of sex partners and extra-pair sex among heterosexual men and women aged 18–65
DA Frederick, BN Jenkins
Evolutionary Psychology 13 (3), 1474704915604563, 2015
Postoperative pain management in children of Hispanic origin: a descriptive cohort study
R Brown, MA Fortier, S Zolghadr, P Gulur, BN Jenkins, ZN Kain
Anesthesia & Analgesia 122 (2), 497-502, 2016
Postoperative pain: factors and tools to improve pain management in children
MM Makhlouf, ER Garibay, BN Jenkins, ZN Kain, MA Fortier
Pain management 9 (4), 389-397, 2019
Perceived neighborhood cohesion buffers COVID-19 impacts on mental health in a United States sample
JW Robinette, G Bostean, LM Glynn, JA Douglas, BN Jenkins, ...
Social science & medicine 285, 114269, 2021
Children and their parents’ assessment of postoperative surgical pain: agree or disagree?
O Kaminsky, MA Fortier, BN Jenkins, RS Stevenson, JI Gold, J Zuk, ...
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123, 84-92, 2019
Parental satisfaction of child's perioperative care
JS Shafer, BN Jenkins, MA Fortier, RS Stevenson, N Hikita, J Zuk, JI Gold, ...
Pediatric Anesthesia 28 (11), 955-962, 2018
Emotion regulation and positive affect in the context of salivary alpha‐amylase response to pain in children with cancer
BN Jenkins, DA Granger, RJ Roemer, A Martinez, TK Torres, MA Fortier
Pediatric blood & cancer 65 (6), e26973, 2018
A pilot study of the preliminary efficacy of Pain Buddy: A novel intervention for the management of children's cancer‐related pain
JF Hunter, AM Acevedo, S Gago‐Masague, A Kain, C Yun, L Torno, ...
Pediatric blood & cancer 67 (10), e28278, 2020
Beauty standards
D Frederick, M Forbes, B Jenkins, T Reynolds, T Walters
The international encyclopedia of human sexuality 1, 113-196, 2015
Associations between daily affect and sleep vary by sleep assessment type: What can ambulatory EEG add to the picture?
BA Messman, DC Slavish, JR Dietch, BN Jenkins, M Ten Brink, DJ Taylor
Sleep Health 7 (2), 219-228, 2021
Racial and ethnic disparities in opioid use for adolescents at US emergency departments
MT Phan, DM Tomaszewski, C Arbuckle, S Yang, C Donaldson, M Fortier, ...
BMC pediatrics 21 (1), 252, 2021
The impact of parental health mindset on postoperative recovery in children
A Kain, C Mueller, BJ Golianu, BN Jenkins, MA Fortier
Pediatric Anesthesia 31 (3), 298-308, 2021
Parent responses to pediatric pain: The differential effects of ethnicity on opioid consumption
CD Donaldson, BN Jenkins, MA Fortier, MT Phan, DM Tomaszewski, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 138, 110251, 2020
Children's cancer pain in a world of the opioid epidemic: challenges and opportunities
MA Fortier, S Yang, MT Phan, DM Tomaszewski, BN Jenkins, ZN Kain
Pediatric blood & cancer 67 (4), e28124, 2020
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Articles 1–20