Piotr W±siewicz
Piotr W±siewicz
Adiunkt, Instytut Systemów Elektronicznych, Politechnika Warszawska
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Adding numbers with DNA
P Wasiewicz, JJ Mulawka, WR Rudnicki, B Lesyng
Smc 2000 conference proceedings. 2000 ieee international conference on …, 2000
DNA computing: implementation of data flow logical operations
P Wa̧siewicz, A Malinowski, R Nowak, JJ Mulawka, P Borsuk, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 17 (4), 361-378, 2001
The inference based on molecular computing
P Wasiewicz, T Janczak, JJ Mulawka, A Plucienniczak
Cybernetics & Systems 31 (3), 283-315, 2000
The inference via DNA computing
P Wasiewicz, T Janczak, JJ Mulawka, A Plucienniczak
Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC99 (Cat. No …, 1999
Another logical molecular NAND gate system
JJ Mulawka, P Wasiewicz, A Plucienniczak
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on microelectronics for …, 1999
Molecular genetic programming
P Wa¸ siewicz, JJ Mulawka
Soft Computing 5, 106-113, 2001
Implementation of data flow logical operations via self-assembly of DNA
P W±siewicz, P Borsuk, JJ Mulawka, P Węgleński
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 11th IPPS/SPDP’99 Workshops Held in …, 1999
Virus-enhanced genetic algorithms inspired by DNA computing
JJ Mulawka, P W±siewicz, K Piętak
International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 529-537, 1999
Urz±dzenia i systemy mechatroniczne
M Olszewski, A Grzybek, S Grzybek
Wydawnictwo Rea, 2009
Global optimisation and genetic methods
P Wasiewicz, JJ Mulawka, B Verma
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 1997
Molecular Neuron Realization
P W±siewicz, AM Dydyński, GJ Tomczuk, J Mulawka, A Płucienniczak
WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 1, 2004
Specification of sugar production processes connected to the actuators intended to use for benchmark definition
P Wasiewicz
manuscript on: http://diag. mchtr. pw. edu. pl/damadics, 2002
Processing DNA tokens in parallel computing
R Nowak, P Wasiewicz, A Plucienniczak, JJ Mulawka
Proceedings 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2001
Logical operations with DNA strands
JJ Mulawka, P Wasiewicz, Α Płucienniczak
Proc. Int. Conf. on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Warsaw, 27-36, 1998
Selection of gait parameters for modified Gillette Gait Index using Hellwig Correlation Based Filter method, random forest method, and correlation methods
M Syczewska, K Kocel, A ¦więcicka, K Graff, M Krawczyk, P W±siewicz, ...
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (3), 1267-1276, 2020
Description of Sugar Technology Process and Artificial Fault Generation
M Bartys, P Wasiewicz
Prep. EC INCO-Copernicus Workshop on Integration of Quantitative and …, 1998
Fault diagnosis and protection in industrial control systems
JM Ko¶cielny, P Wasiewicz
Engineering Simulation 13, 1996
Algorithms for classification of astronomical object spectra
P Wasiewicz, J Szuppe, K Hryniewicz
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2015
Astronomical spectral database of active galactic nuclei
P Wasiewicz, K Hryniewicz, P Gajewski
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2011
Molecular inference network experimental approximation
P Wasiewicz, A Plucienniczak
Elektronika 156, 405-412, 2006
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Articles 1–20