Erkki-Jussi Nylén
Erkki-Jussi Nylén
Senior Research Scientist, Finnish Environmental Institute
Zweryfikowany adres z syke.fi
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
How does the circular economy discourse affect policy-making? The case of streamlining waste utilisation in Finnish earthworks
EJA Nylén, JM Salminen
Resources, conservation and recycling 149, 532-540, 2019
Projectified governance and sustainability transitions: How projects and framework programmes can accelerate transition processes
EJA Nylén
Environmental Policy and Governance 31 (6), 605-618, 2021
Kiertotaloussiirtymä ja uudet markkinat: Kahden kiertotalousraportin retoriikka-analyysi
EJ Nylén
Can abstract ideas generate change? The case of the circular economy
EJ Nylén
Leading change in a complex world: Transdisciplinary perspectives, 2019
Filling the social gap in the circular economy: How can the solidarity economy contribute to urban circularity?
R França, EJ Nylén, A Jokinen, P Jokinen
Social and cultural aspects of the circular economy, 27-44, 2022
Combinatorial perspective on ideas, concepts, and policy change
EJ Nylén, A Jokinen
Environmental Politics 32 (2), 338-361, 2023
Kiertotalouden kestävyyslupaukset: Espoon, Lahden, Tampereen ja Turun kaupunkistrategioiden vertailu
EJ Nylén, A Riki, A Jokinen, P Jokinen
Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 86 (4), 406-418, 2021
Mission-oriented innovation policy as a hybridisation process: the case of transforming a national fertilising system
EJ Nylén, JE Johanson, J Vakkuri
Science and Public Policy 50 (3), 509-520, 2023
The loop from idealised to messy− Untangling ideational features of the circular economy and hybridity in its making
EJ Nylén, JE Johanson, J Vakkuri
Environmental Science & Policy 140, 146-151, 2023
Theorizing Ideological Steering: The journey of the circular economy
EJ Nylén
Tampere University, 2023
Kohti uutta tutkimus-ja innovaatiopolitiikkaa
EJA Nylén
Alue ja Ympäristö 50 (1), 163-165, 2021
Theorizing Ideological Steering
EJ Nylén
Mission-oriented innovation policy as a process of hybridization-The case of transforming the Finnish fertilizing system
EJ Nylén, JE Johanson, J Vakkuri
Integrating urban production and consumption functions in the making of a circular city
EJ Nylén, AV Anttiroiko
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Prace 1–14