Shirish C Srivastava
Shirish C Srivastava
Professor and GS1 France Chair at HEC Paris
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Cited by
Trust and electronic government success: An empirical study
TSH Teo, SC Srivastava, L Jiang
Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) 25 (3), 99-132, 2008
Research on information systems failures and successes: Status update and future directions
YK Dwivedi, D Wastell, S Laumer, HZ Henriksen, MD Myers, D Bunker, ...
Information systems frontiers 17, 143-157, 2015
Evaluating the role of trust in consumer adoption of mobile payment systems: An empirical analysis
S Chandra, SC Srivastava, YL Theng
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 27 (1), 29, 2010
Technostress creators and job outcomes: theorising the moderating influence of personality traits
SC Srivastava, S Chandra, A Shirish
Information Systems Journal 25 (4), 355-401, 2015
Bridging the service divide through digitally enabled service innovations
SC Srivastava, G Shainesh
Mis Quarterly 39 (1), 245-268, 2015
Social Presence in Virtual World Collaboration
SC Srivastava, S Chandra
MIS quarterly 42 (3), 779-A16, 2018
E-government, e-business, and national economic performance
SC Srivastava, TSH Teo
Communications of the association for information systems 26 (1), 14, 2010
You can’t bribe a computer
SC Srivastava, TSH Teo, S Devaraj
Mis Quarterly 40 (2), 511-526, 2016
Managing core competence of the organization
SC Srivastava
Vikalpa 30 (4), 49-64, 2005
E-government payoffs: Evidence from cross-country data
SC Srivastava, TSH Teo
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 15 (4), 20-40, 2007
Contract performance in offshore systems development: Role of control mechanisms
SC Srivastava, TSH Teo
Journal of Management Information Systems 29 (1), 115-158, 2012
Citizen trust development for e-government adoption and usage: Insights from young adults in Singapore
SC Srivastava, TSH Teo
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 25 (1), 31, 2009
To be or not to be… human? Theorizing the role of human-like competencies in conversational artificial intelligence agents
S Chandra, A Shirish, SC Srivastava
Journal of Management Information Systems 39 (4), 969-1005, 2022
Does technostress inhibit employee innovation? Examining the linear and curvilinear influence of technostress creators
S Chandra, A Shirish, SC Srivastava
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 44 (1), 19, 2019
Cognitive absorption and trust for workplace collaboration in virtual worlds: An information processing decision making perspective
S Chandra, YL Theng, SC Srivastava
What facilitates e-government development? A cross-country analysis
SC Srivastava, TSH Teo
Electronic Government, An International Journal 4 (4), 365-378, 2007
Is e‐government providing the promised returns? A value framework for assessing e‐government impact
SC Srivastava
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 5 (2), 107-113, 2011
Switching to online learning during COVID-19: Theorizing the role of IT mindfulness and techno eustress for facilitating productivity and creativity in student learning
A Shirish, S Chandra, SC Srivastava
International Journal of Information Management 61, 102394, 2021
Citizen trust development for e-government adoption: Case of Singapore
SC Srivastava, T Teo
PACIS 2005 Proceedings, 59, 2005
Theorizing technological spatial intrusion for ICT enabled employee innovation: The mediating role of perceived usefulness
S Chandra, A Shirish, SC Srivastava
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 161, 120320, 2020
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Articles 1–20