Adaptive channels' selection for hierarchical cluster based cognitive radio networks P Skokowski, K Malon, JM Kelner, J Dolowski, J Lopatka, P Gajewski 2014 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Building the electromagnetic situation awareness in MANET cognitive radio networks for urban areas P Skokowski, K Malon, J Łopatka Sensors 22 (3), 716, 2022 | 23 | 2022 |
Optimization of wireless sensor network deployment for electromagnetic situation monitoring K Malon, P Skokowski, J Lopatka International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 10 (7), 746-753, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Electromagnetic situation awareness building in ad-hoc networks with cognitive nodes P Skokowski ISBN: 978-83-7938-323-8, Military University of Technology, 2021 | 18* | 2021 |
Cognitive manager for hierarchical cluster networks based on multi-stage machine method K Malon, P Skokowski, P Marszalek, JM Kelner, J Lopatka 2014 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 428-433, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Jamming and jamming mitigation for selected 5G military scenarios P Skokowski, JM Kelner, K Malon, K Maślanka, A Birutis, MA Vazquez, ... Procedia Computer Science 205, 258-267, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Dual Band Microstrip Antenna. R Przesmycki, P Skokowski PIERS Proceedings, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
KONCEPCJA NADZORCY W SYMULATORZE RADIA KOGNITYWNEGO CORASMA P Skokowski, JM Kelner, J Łopatka Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny - Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne 87 (6), 349-352, 2014 | 13* | 2014 |
Optimization of the MANET topology in urban area using redundant relay points K Malon, P Skokowski, J Łopatka 2018 International Conference on Military Communications and Information …, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Properties of centralized cooperative sensing in cognitive radio networks P Skokowski, K Malon, J Łopatka XI Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems 10418, 54-62, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
The use of a wireless sensor network to monitor the spectrum in urban areas K Malon, P Skokowski, J Łopatka XI Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems 10418, 71-76, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Performance analysis of the cognitive radio network with opportunistic spectrum access R Chęciński, A Kaszuba-Chęcińska, M Kryk, J Łopatka, K Malon, ... International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 64, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Identification of Interface in the Complex Systems Based on Radiated Emission of Mobile Computer. R Przesmycki, M Wnuk, P Skokowski, M Bugaj PIERS Proceedings, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Q-learning based radio channels utility evaluation algorithm for the local dynamic spectrum management in mobile ad-hoc networks K Malon, J Łopatka, P Skokowski 2020 Baltic URSI Symposium (URSI), 28-32, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Anti-drone sensors, effectors, and systems–a concise overview D Zmysłowski, P Skokowski, JM Kelner TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Evidence theory based data fusion for centralized cooperative spectrum sensing in mobile ad-hoc networks P Skokowski, J Łopatka, K Malon 2020 Baltic URSI Symposium (URSI), 24-27, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Metody wykrywania i analizy sygnałów DSSS P Skokowski, J Łopatka VII Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Systemy Rozpoznania i Walki …, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Enabled Situational Awareness Enhancement for Armed Forces Operating in an Urban Environment P Kaniewski, J Romanik, K Zubel, E Golan, MD R-Moreno, P Skokowski, ... 2023 Communication and Information Technologies (KIT), 1-8, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Naval use cases of 5G technology D Zmysłowski, P Skokowski, K Malon, K Maślanka, JM Kelner TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Sensor monitoringu widma z wykorzystaniem radia programowalnego M Mazuro, P Skokowski Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny+ Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |