Shengnan Han
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Cited by
Understanding the factors driving m‐learning adoption: a literature review
Y Liu, S Han, H Li
Campus-Wide Information Systems 27 (4), 210-226, 2010
Understanding followers’ stickiness to digital influencers: The effect of psychological responses
L Hu, Q Min, S Han, Z Liu
International Journal of Information Management 54, 102169, 2020
Understanding the effects of trust and risk on individual behavior toward social media platforms: A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence
Y Wang, Q Min, S Han
Computers in Human Behavior 56, 34-44, 2016
Understanding users’ continuous content contribution behaviours on microblogs: An integrated perspective of uses and gratification theory and social influence theory
X Liu, Q Min, S Han
Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (5), 525-543, 2020
Individual adoption of information systems in organizations: A literature review of technology acceptance model
S Han
Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS), 2003
Physicians' acceptance of mobile communication technology: an exploratory study
S Han, P Mustonen, M Seppanen, M Kallio
International Journal of Mobile Communications 4 (2), 210-230, 2006
Aligning artificial intelligence with human values: reflections from a phenomenological perspective
S Han, E Kelly, S Nikou, EO Svee
AI & SOCIETY, 1-13, 2022
The influence of culture on IT governance: A literature review
P Aasi, L Rusu, S Han
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4436-4445, 2014
Does fragmentation of working time and working space influence the acceptance of mobile technology
S Han, P Mustonen, M Seppänen, M Kallio
A case of Finnish physicians, 2005
The influence of organizational culture on IT governance performance: Case of the IT department in a large Swedish company
P Aasi, L Rusu, S Han
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 5157-5166, 2016
Understanding user adoption of mobile technology: focusing on physicians in Finland
S Han
Turku Centre for Computer Science, 2005
A foresight framework for understanding the future of mobile commerce
S Han, V Harkke, P Landor Ruggero, R de Mio
Journal of systems and information technology 6 (2), 19-40, 2002
Process innovation with disruptive technology in auto insurance: Lessons learned from a smartphone-based insurance telematics initiative
J Ohlsson, P Händel, S Han, R Welch
BPM-driving innovation in a digital world, 85-101, 2015
Prioritizing business processes improvement initiatives: the seco tools case
J Ohlsson, S Han, P Johannesson, F Carpenhall, L Rusu
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 26th International Conference …, 2014
Mobilizing medical information and knowledge: some insights from a survey
S Han, V Harkke, P Mustonen, M Seppanen, M Kallio
ECIS 2004 proceedings, 69, 2004
Physicians' behavior intentions regarding the use of mobile technology: an exploratory study
S Han, P Mustonen, M Seppanen, M Kallio
PACIS 2004 Proceedings, 49, 2004
The Sleeping Giant-A Longitudinal Study Surveying the Mobile Service Market in Finland
PM P Walden, S Han, C Carlsson
ECIS, 2017, 2007
Governance of an enterprise social intranet implementation: the statkraft case
S Han, S Sörås, O Schjodt-Osmo
ECIS2015, 2015
Culture influence on IT governance: What we have learned?
P Aasi, L Rusu, S Han
International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) 5 (1 …, 2014
Contextualizing the rural in digital studies: A computational literature review of rural-digital relations
Q Zhang, NA Webster, S Han, WY Ayele
Technology in society, 102373, 2023
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Articles 1–20