Jakub Młyńczak
Jakub Młyńczak
Politechnika ¦l±ska, Wydział Transportu, Katedra Transportu Kolejowego
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Cited by
Analysis of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in public transport of upper Silesia
J Młyńczak
Modern Transport Telematics: 11th International Conference on Transport …, 2011
A numerical analysis of the contact stress distribution and physical modelling of abrasive wear in the tram wheel-frog system
T Kuminek, K Aniołek, J Młyńczak
Wear 328, 177-185, 2015
Determination of the effect of tire stiffness on wheel accelerations by the forced vibration test method
Ł Konieczny, R Burdzik, J Warczek, P Czech, G Wojnar, J Młyńczak
Journal of Vibroengineering 17 (8), 4469-4477, 2015
Research on the applicability of vibration signals for real-time train and track condition monitoring
I Celiński, R Burdzik, J Młyńczak, M Kłaczyński
Sensors 22 (6), 2368, 2022
Effect of vibrations on the behaviour of a vehicle driver
J Młyńczak, I Celiński, R Burdzik
Vibroengineering Procedia 6, 243-247, 2015
Failure evaluation of the level crossing protection system based on Fault Tree Analysis
W Nowakowski, T Ciszewski, J Młyńczak, Z Łukasik
Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering for Transport Networks and Systems …, 2018
Application of safety and communication modules as an integrated intelligent system in rail vehicles
B Wszołek, A Gałuszka, J Młyńczak, R Burdzik
Vibroengineering Procedia 3, 105-110, 2014
Assessment of the safety of microprocessor-based semi-automatic block signalling system
Z Łukasik, T Ciszewski, J Młyńczak, W Nowakowski, J Wojciechowski
Contemporary Challenges of Transport Systems and Traffic Engineering: 13th …, 2017
European rail traffic management system (ERTMS)
J Młyńczak, A Toruń, L Bester
Intelligent Transportation Systems–Problems and Perspectives, 217-242, 2015
Research on dynamics of shunting locomotive during movement on marshalling yard by using prototype of remote control unit
J Młyńczak, R Burdzik, I Celiński
Dynamical Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis: ŁódĽ, Poland …, 2016
Analysis of the detection and crossing signaling system in safety terms
R Burdzik, B Nowak, J Młyńczak, P Deuszkiewicz
Diagnostyka 17 (4), 65--72, 2016
Simulation of a visco-elastic damper based on the model of the vehicle shock absorber
J Warczek, J Młyńczak, R Burdzik, Ł Konieczny
Journal of Vibroengineering 17 (4), 2040-2048, 2015
Passenger safety and information module in intelligent integrated traffic management system
J Młyńczak, T Hejczyk, B Wszołek, A Gałuszka, D Surma, R Ogaza, ...
Vibroengineering Procedia 6, 234-237, 2015
Hybrid optimization method for design of rail passengers safety and comfort system
A Galuszka, A Swierniak, T Hejczyk, J Mlynczak
Procedia Technology 22, 905-912, 2016
Research on vibrations in the train driver’s cabin during maneuvers operations
J Młyńczak, R Burdzik, I Celiński
13th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications. DSTA, 218, 2015
Wykorzystanie systemu monitoringu GPS do oceny parametrów energetycznych lokomotyw spalinowych
J Mikulski, J Młyńczak
Przegl±d Elektrotechniczny 85 (9), 268-272, 2009
Study of the microsleep in public transport drivers
R Burdzik, I Celiński, J Młyńczak
International Scientific Conference Transport of the 21st Century, 63-73, 2019
Remote monitoring of the train driver along with the locomotive motion dynamics in the course of shunting using mobile devices
J Młyńczak, R Burdzik, I Celiński
Dynamical system Control and stability, 411-422, 2015
A case analysis of electrical energy recovery in public transport
K Kawałkowski, J Młyńczak, Z Olczykowski, J Wojciechowski
Advanced Solutions of Transport Systems for Growing Mobility: 14th …, 2018
Eksploatacyjne badania napędów zwrotnicowych
J Mikulski, J Młyńczak
Problemy kolejnictwa, 45-58, 2011
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Articles 1–20