Bhagyesh V. Patil
Bhagyesh V. Patil
Staff Engineer, John Deere Technology Center
Zweryfikowany adres z JohnDeere.com
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Global optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear (polynomial) programming problems: the Bernstein polynomial approach
BV Patil, PSV Nataraj, S Bhartiya
Proceedings of 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific …, 2010
Decentralized nonlinear model predictive control of a multimachine power system
BV Patil, LPMI Sampath, A Krishnan, FYS Eddy
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 106, 358-372, 2019
Multiple-model based predictive control of nonlinear hybrid systems based on global optimization using the Bernstein polynomial approach
BV Patil, S Bhartiya, PSV Nataraj, NN Nandola
Journal of Process Control 22 (2), 423-435, 2012
A trust-region based sequential linear programming approach for AC optimal power flow problems
LPMI Sampath, BV Patil, HB Gooi, JM Maciejowski, KV Ling
Electric Power Systems Research 165, 134-143, 2018
Predictive control based framework for optimal scheduling of combined cycle gas turbines
A Krishnan, BV Patil, HB Gooi, KV Ling
IEEE Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 6066-6072, 2016, 2016
An improved Bernstein global optimization algorithm for MINLP problems with application in process industry
BV Patil, PSV Nataraj
Mathematics in Computer Science 8, 357-377, 2014
Multi-energy scheduling using a hybrid systems approach
A Krishnan, LPMI Sampath, FYS Eddy, BV Patil, HB Gooi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (16), 229-234, 2018
Model predictive control of a CSTR: A comparative study among linear and nonlinear model approaches
A Krishnan, BV Patil, PSV Nataraj, J Maciejowski, KV Ling
2017 Indian Control Conference (ICC), 182-187, 2017
Simultaneous automated design of structured QFT controller and prefilter using nonlinear programming
H Purohit, A Goldsztejn, C Jermann, L Granvilliers, F Goualard, ...
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 (15), 2529-2548, 2017
Experiments with hybrid Bernstein global optimization algorithm for the OPF problem in power systems
BV Patil, L Sampath, A Krishnan, JM Maciejowski, KV Ling, HB Gooi
Engineering Optimization 51 (8), 1446-1461, 2019
Optimal nonlinear model predictive control based on Bernstein polynomial approach
BV Patil, KV Ling, JM Maciejowski
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4363-4369, 2017
Robust controller and prefilter design using QFT and interval constraint technique
A Goldsztejn, F Goualard, L Granvilliers, C Jermann, BV Patil, ...
7th International Workshop on Constraint Programming and Decision Making, 2014
Hybrid model predictive control framework for the thermal unit commitment problem including start-up and shutdown power trajectories
A Krishnan, FYS Eddy, BV Patil
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 9329-9335, 2017
Managerial decision making as an application for control science and engineering
T Samad, DY Abramovitch, M Lees, I Mareels, RR Rhinehart, F Cuzzola, ...
2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 3071-3081, 2022
SPLinux: An Information Flow Secure Linux
P Vyas, RK Shyamasundar, B Patil, S Borse, S Sen
2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …, 2021
Nonlinear model predictive control based on Bernstein global optimization with application to a nonlinear CSTR
BV Patil, J Maciejowski, KV Ling
European Control Conference, 2016, 2016
Constrained global optimization of multivariate polynomials using polynomial B-spline form and B-spline consistency prune approach
DD Gawali, BV Patil, A Zidna, PSV Nataraj
RAIRO-Operations Research 55 (6), 3743-3771, 2021
App2SecApp: privacy protection from Android applications
P Vyas, RK Shyamasundar, B Patil
Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 908-911, 2021
A B-spline global optimization algorithm for optimal power flow problem
DD Gawali, BV Patil, A Zidna, PSV Nataraj
Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications …, 2020
Examining the Bernstein global optimization approach to optimal power flow problem
BV Patil, LPMI Sampath, A Krishnan, KV Ling, HB Gooi
SIAM Conference on Numerical Computations: Theory and Applications (NUMTA), 2016, 2016
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