Michał Wierzchoń
Michał Wierzchoń
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The confidence database
D Rahnev, K Desender, ALF Lee, WT Adler, D Aguilar-Lleyda, B Akdoğan, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (3), 317-325, 2020
But I was so sure! Metacognitive judgments are less accurate given prospectively than retrospectively
M Siedlecka, B Paulewicz, M Wierzchoń
Frontiers in psychology 7, 218, 2016
Subjective measures of consciousness in artificial grammar learning task
M Wierzchoń, D Asanowicz, B Paulewicz, A Cleeremans
Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3), 1141-53, 2012
Different subjective awareness measures demonstrate the influence of visual identification on perceptual awareness ratings
M Wierzchoń, B Paulewicz, D Asanowicz, B Timmermans, A Cleeremans
Consciousness and cognition 27, 109-120, 2014
The perception of visual emotion: Comparing different measures of awareness
R Szczepanowski, J Traczyk, M Wierzchoń, A Cleeremans
Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1), 212-220, 2013
Comparing theories of consciousness: why it matters and how to do it
SH Del Pin, Z Skóra, K Sandberg, M Overgaard, M Wierzchoń
Neuroscience of consciousness 2021 (2), niab019, 2021
VME-DWT: An efficient algorithm for detection and elimination of eye blink from short segments of single EEG channel
M Shahbakhti, M Beiramvand, M Nazari, A Broniec-Wójcik, P Augustyniak, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 408-417, 2021
Simultaneous eye blink characterization and elimination from low-channel prefrontal EEG signals enhances driver drowsiness detection
M Shahbakhti, M Beiramvand, I Rejer, P Augustyniak, A Broniec-Wójcik, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (3), 1001-1012, 2021
The role of levels of processing in disentangling the ERP signatures of conscious visual processing
M Derda, M Koculak, B Windey, K Gociewicz, M Wierzchoń, ...
Consciousness and cognition 73, 102767, 2019
Rubber hand illusion reduces discomfort caused by cold stimulus
M Siedlecka, A Klimza, M Łukowska, M Wierzchoń
PloS one 9 (10), e109909, 2014
Does level of processing affect the transition from unconscious to conscious perception?
A Anzulewicz, D Asanowicz, B Windey, B Paulewicz, M Wierzchoń, ...
Consciousness and Cognition 36, 1-11, 2015
Unexpected action outcomes produce enhanced temporal binding but diminished judgement of agency
B Majchrowicz, M Wierzchoń
Consciousness and cognition 65, 310-324, 2018
Four-dimensional graded consciousness
J Jonkisz, M Wierzchoń, M Binder
Frontiers in psychology 8, 420, 2017
Responses improve the accuracy of confidence judgements in memory tasks.
M Siedlecka, Z Skóra, B Paulewicz, S Fijałkowska, B Timmermans, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (4), 712, 2019
Error-related cardiac response as information for visibility judgements
M Łukowska, M Sznajder, M Wierzchoń
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1131, 2018
Manipulating attentional load in sequence learning through random number generation
M Wierzchoń, V Gaillard, D Asanowicz, A Cleeremans
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 8 (2), 179, 2012
Motor response influences perceptual awareness judgements
M Siedlecka, J Hobot, Z Skóra, B Paulewicz, B Timmermans, ...
Consciousness and cognition 75, 102804, 2019
Bringing action into the picture. How action influences visual awareness
A Anzulewicz, J Hobot, M Siedlecka, M Wierzchoń
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81 (7), 2171-2176, 2019
Fusion of EEG and eye blink analysis for detection of driver fatigue
M Shahbakhti, M Beiramvand, E Nasiri, SM Far, W Chen, J Solé-Casals, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 31, 2037-2046, 2023
Rubber hand illusion increases pain caused by electric stimuli
M Siedlecka, N Spychała, M Łukowska, K Wiercioch, M Wierzchoń
The Journal of Pain 19 (1), 35-45, 2018
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Articles 1–20