Emanuele Cesena
Cited by
Cited by
Anonymous authentication with TLS and DAA
E Cesena, H Löhr, G Ramunno, AR Sadeghi, D Vernizzi
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: Third International Conference, TRUST 2010 …, 2010
On scalability of remote attestation
E Cesena, G Ramunno, R Sassu, D Vernizzi, A Lioy
Proceedings of the sixth ACM workshop on Scalable trusted computing, 25-30, 2011
Secure storage using a sealing proxy
E Cesena, G Ramunno, D Vernizzi
Proceedings of the 1st European workshop on system security, 27-34, 2008
Trace zero varieties over fields of characteristic 2 for cryptographic applications
RM Avanzi, E Cesena
Algebraic Geometry And Its Applications: Dedicated to Gilles Lachaud on His …, 2008
Fpga acceleration of multi-scalar multiplication: Cyclonemsm
K Aasaraai, D Beaver, E Cesena, R Maganti, N Stalder, J Varela
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Trace zero varietes in pairing-based cryptography
E Cesena
Università degli studi Roma Tre, 2010
The trusted platform agent
G Cabiddu, E Cesena, R Sassu, D Vernizzi, G Ramunno, A Lioy
IEEE software 28 (2), 35-41, 2010
Pairing with supersingular trace zero varieties revisited
E Cesena
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2008
Cyclonentt: An ntt/fft architecture using quasi-streaming of large datasets on ddr-and hbm-based fpga platforms
K Aasaraai, E Cesena, R Maganti, N Stalder, J Varela, K Bowers
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
Typing a core binary-field arithmetic in a light logic
E Cesena, M Pedicini, L Roversi
International Workshop on Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource …, 2011
Can a light typing discipline be compatible with an efficient implementation of finite fields inversion?
D Canavese, E Cesena, R Ouchary, M Pedicini, L Roversi
International Workshop on Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource …, 2013
A unified ontology for the virtualization domain
J Silvestro, D Canavese, E Cesena, P Smiraglia
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011: Confederated …, 2011
Towards trusted broadcast encryption
E Cesena, G Ramunno, D Vernizzi
2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, 2125-2130, 2008
Varietaa traccia zero su campi binari–applicazioni crittografiche
E Cesena
Master’s thesis, Universita degli Studi di Milano, 2004
Light combinators for finite fields arithmetic
D Canavese, E Cesena, R Ouchary, M Pedicini, L Roversi
Science of Computer Programming 111, 365-394, 2015
D03c. 3 ssl/tls daa-enhancement specification
E Cesena, G Ramunno, D Vernizzi
Slides for teaching: the slim approach
E Cesena, D Vernizzi
Titolo volume non avvalorato, 2011
Crittografia al liceo: approfondire le classi di resto modulo n
OG Rizzo, E Cesena
DIDAMATICA 2011, 2011
Anonymous services: Enhancing end-user privacy exploiting anonymous networks
G Cabiddu, E Cesena, D Vernizzi
2010 International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 1-5, 2010
Can a light typing discipline be compatible with an
D Canavese, E Cesena, R Ouchary, M Pedicini, L Roversi, E Cesena, ...
Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis (subtitle: 6324, 330-344, 2010
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Articles 1–20