Yunhe Hou
Cited by
Cited by
Intelligent fault detection scheme for microgrids with wavelet-based deep neural networks
JQ James, Y Hou, AYS Lam, VOK Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 1694-1703, 2017
Mobile emergency generator pre-positioning and real-time allocation for resilient response to natural disasters
S Lei, J Wang, C Chen, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (3), 2030-2041, 2016
Routing and scheduling of mobile power sources for distribution system resilience enhancement
S Lei, C Chen, H Zhou, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (5), 5650-5662, 2018
Resilient disaster recovery logistics of distribution systems: Co-optimize service restoration with repair crew and mobile power source dispatch
S Lei, C Chen, Y Li, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6187-6202, 2019
Online false data injection attack detection with wavelet transform and deep neural networks
JQ James, Y Hou, VOK Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (7), 3271-3280, 2018
Load/price forecasting and managing demand response for smart grids: Methodologies and challenges
SC Chan, KM Tsui, HC Wu, Y Hou, YC Wu, FF Wu
IEEE signal processing magazine 29 (5), 68-85, 2012
Resilience enhancement with sequentially proactive operation strategies
C Wang, Y Hou, F Qiu, S Lei, K Liu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (4), 2847-2857, 2016
Robust energy and reserve dispatch under variable renewable generation
W Wei, F Liu, S Mei, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (1), 369-380, 2014
A comparative analysis of Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau in normal and contaminated normal models
W Xu, Y Hou, YS Hung, Y Zou
Signal Processing 93 (1), 261-276, 2013
Radiality constraints for resilient reconfiguration of distribution systems: Formulation and application to microgrid formation
S Lei, C Chen, Y Song, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (5), 3944-3956, 2020
Mitigating voltage and frequency fluctuation in microgrids using electric springs
X Chen, Y Hou, SC Tan, CK Lee, SYR Hui
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (2), 508-515, 2014
Probabilistic forecast for multiple wind farms based on regular vine copulas
Z Wang, W Wang, C Liu, Z Wang, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 578-589, 2017
Computation of milestones for decision support during system restoration
Y Hou, CC Liu, K Sun, P Zhang, S Liu, D Mizumura
2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-10, 2011
MDP-based distribution network reconfiguration with renewable distributed generation: Approximate dynamic programming approach
C Wang, S Lei, P Ju, C Chen, C Peng, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (4), 3620-3631, 2020
Generalized ant colony optimization for economic dispatch of power systems
YH Hou, YW Wu, LJ Lu, XY Xiong
Proceedings. International Conference on Power System Technology 1, 225-229, 2002
侯云鹤, 鲁丽娟, 熊信艮, 程时杰, 吴耀武
中国电机工程学报 24 (007), 95-100, 2004
An improved approach for AC-DC power flow calculation with multi-infeed DC systems
C Liu, B Zhang, Y Hou, FF Wu, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (2), 862-869, 2010
Incorporating wind energy in power system restoration planning
A Golshani, W Sun, Q Zhou, QP Zheng, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (1), 16-28, 2017
Remote-controlled switch allocation enabling prompt restoration of distribution systems
S Lei, J Wang, Y Hou
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (3), 3129-3142, 2017
Identification of critical switches for integrating renewable distributed generation by dynamic network reconfiguration
S Lei, Y Hou, F Qiu, J Yan
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (1), 420-432, 2017
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Articles 1–20